The Start

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"High School day one and as knights of Camelot," Parci said as they reached the front gate. Parcy was flanked by Levi and River on either side before walking under the archway to get their class schedules for the semester. "We had our knighting ceremony last year so we've been knights for a year," Levi said pointing out that fact. "We have to be careful with Morgana," River said looking at her friends. The three of them had been training as knights since they were 10 years old and now they were knights at 14. Along with this, they were also the reincarnations of Sir Gwaine, Percival, and Leon which was something that they found out when they learned about Camelot.  "Levi, Riv has a point about being careful because we don't know who is who," Parci said to Levi. He looked at Parci because he gave him a good point though they have been careful for the past 4 years since they found out about who they were and Camelot as well. "I know that but we also have to enjoy the life that we have while trying to blend our past with it as well," Levi said. River and Parci knew that he was right but all three knew that sometimes that was hard to do so at times.  

"Does Merlin find any clues on who Morganna and Mordrid are?" Levi asked in a quiet voice.  They all just looked at each other knowing the answer to the question and they barely had any clues. "Evren can you not zone out on the first day of school because you're a sophomore," said Giana looking at her schedule. "Am sorry just trying to piece something together and I became lost in thought," Evren said before looking over at Parci, River, and Levi. "It's fine as long it doesn't get you into trouble," Giana said before walking ahead without her brother. "Antonio can you try to make friends," said Cedric. Cedric had been a close friend of the royal family who took  Antonio to safety when his parents were killed by Morganna and Mordred.  Cedric was told that Antonio's twin had been taken in by their oldest uncle Louis. "I can try but I can't make any promises about that and you know that Cedric," Antonio said. Antonio has known for a while that he was taken in by a family friend while his sister was taken in by one of their uncle when their parents died.

"Can I join you guys for the assembly?" Evren asked when he caught up with the trio. "Sure there is an open seat next to River," Levi said when they heard Evren. Evren saw River next to Parci and the first thing that he noticed about her was River's fae-like appearance. River in turn noticed that Evren had a marking on his forearm of a tower and sword. River knows that with them, the markings showed who was a knight of the Round Table and how they died. "You're Elyan aren't you," River said in a hushed voice. Parci and Levi looked at Evren's mark and realized it as well. "I heard that name before but why did you call me that?" Evren asked trying to piece everything together. He had dreams of this other life for a while and during these dreams, he had talked to this other person that had the name of Elyan. The trio told him the whole story about their past and it was that moment that Evren realized that they were telling the truth. Evren noticed that River's marking has a cobra-type serpent coiled between two trees. "Why is your marking different from these two?" Evren asked River. "It's because I was killed by Morganna when I went after her and she got the information that she wanted out of me before I died," River said 

"Let's get off that depressing topic and figure out a plan," Levi said knowing that they have to take Evren to Camelot. The group of four knew that they had to find a way to become a team but they had to go through the selection ceremony for school first. "What's the ceremony about?" Evren asked as they walked to the gym. "Have you read Divergent?" River asked. "Yeah," he said in reply. "Okay, so the ceremony at the start of the books where they chose a faction is the base for the ceremony that we are going to right now. We have to choose a class and that would be it for the rest of high school," River said. Levi and Parci knew that River would choose to be a knight since River was most likely to be the only girl who would choose to go that route. When they arrived at the gym, they saw that there were several bowls containing different materials to represent each group. "Welcome to this year's choosing ceremony. I know that all of you have been told the theme for this year so all of you are going to choose the class that you will be part of for the rest of your time here," Principal Lago said before calling students one by one. "River Greene Pendragon. Once you make your choice, you will be forever tied to that group till you graduate so choose wisely," said Principal Lago. As River was walking down the stairs of the bleachers, she saw the rest of the student body watching with anticipation knowing River's reputation. Most of the people who knew of her reputation were classmates from middle school or heard of it through others.

River got to the front of the room and saw the bowls each showing the symbol of each group. Once she was given the knife, River cut her hand over the bowl filled with metal which was for the knights, and let her blood fall into the bowl. Principal Lago saw that River was the first student in years to choose a class that was not meant for females. "This is the first time that someone like you has changed the status quo," Lago said as he gave River a bandage for her hand. River just gave a nod and a smile before heading back to her seat to see her friends with smiles. The knights cheered for their new member in River because for the last few years, they wanted a female student to join their ranks but considering most of if not all, didn't want to get their hands dirty. "Welcome to the Knights River plus most of us have heard of your reputation. Before I forget, I am Lance Du Luc," said Lance. When River heard his last name before realizing that was Lancelot but held her tongue knowing that he still doesn't remember his life as Lancelot.  After another ten minutes, the entire event was over and River was joined by Parci, Levi, and Evren. 

Antonio had joined the Nobility and Giana had joined the commoners by the end of the ceremony. There was one last person who had transferred as well being Milo Ambrose before the year had started who chose the Druids. Milo also knows the truth but still hasn't found any of the group which was weird to him. "So we're going to stick together moving forward?" asked Evren who got nods from the other three. The group got their letterman jackets for the group that they chose: Knights. Fate tore them apart when they died 1,000 years ago and it was fate that brought them back together one way or another.

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