You quickly stuck out your red stained tongue causing him to smile. You could tell he held back laughter as he ran his hand through his hair, his smile only growing wider. 

"What're the mats for?" you asked. 

"You'll have to wait and see," he said, cocking an eyebrow. 

You rolled your eyes and noticed as the rest of the class began filing in. You took your spot in the class, despite not being assigned a place to stand, everyone always fell into the same places. The instructor came in a few minutes later. 

"Hello class," she said. "Today we're going to be doing something a bit different. For some of you, this will be familiar, but for others, this may take you out of your comfort zone. Regardless, part of being successful in the dance world is trusting in your team and your partners. So, today we are going to do some trust exercises, so partner up." 

You looked around as everyone in the class grabbed onto a partner. You looked towards the girl next to you who had asked about Jimin--Eun-ha--but she had already paired with the girl on her other side. 

"Now, there's an odd number, so one of you is probably without a partner," the instructor said, her eyes sweeping through the pairs before landing on you. "Ah, Inna." She waved her hand over at Jimin. "Jimin will be your partner." 

Jimin walked over to you. He held a smug look on his face and he looped his arm through yours, brushing his fingertips over the skin of yours lightly.

"All right, the first exercise is an easy one, the trust fall," the instructor said. "Take turns falling backward and catching each other." 

You turned to Jimin. "All right, fall," you said. 

He laughed and turned around. "Are you sure you can catch me?" 

"Shut up and just do it," you said. "Let's just get it over with."

You held your arms out and Jimin fell towards you. You caught him with your arms locking through his armpits and his head falling against your collarbone. You were used to these kinds of trust exercises from your ballet days. They were standard in the beginner's classes and often when working on a show when tensions are high, you'd all run through them again. 

You helped push Jimin back to his feet. He turned to face you, a large grin taking up the majority of his face. "You trust me, babe?" 

"To do a trust fall? Sure. Otherwise? Not an ounce." 

"Ah, come on, I didn't beat up your ex last night for nothing." 

Your entire body stiffened and you stood frozen. Did he really hurt Chul-soo? Your eyes looked down at his knuckles which didn't look terribly bruised. You hated your ex. You wouldn't care if he disappeared and you never had to see him again, but the thought of Jimin beating him up brought back the memories from high school of Jimin's black eye and bruised ribs and that Chul-soo didn't come to school for a few days he and Jimin fought back then. 

"Okay, the second partner should be going by now," the instructor said.

You shook away the thoughts and Jimin's concerned glances and turned around. You held your arms up and began to tip back on your ankles, feeling your toes leave the floor and slowly, ever so slowly, you began to fall. Your eyes closed and you felt as Jimin's arms came under your own and catch you. 

Your head rested against his shoulder and you felt his breath against your scalp. He slowly helped you back to your feet, but his hands lingered on arms and his lips brushed against the top of your ear. 

"See? You can trust me." His voice was raspy and rough, but so hushed you could barely make out the words. 

You scoffed and pushed him away. Yet, you felt a small pull in your stomach that maybe, just maybe, his words were true.

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