"Kaya! You're alive! We worried something happened to you! These enemies-... they have weird powers. They're...they're unheard of! All the soldiers are dying! There's too many for you to handle! We've evacuated all the elementians we could but it's important that you escape! Without you, this planet has no future! I already got an aircraft prepared, just come by the lab and- Aaahhh!!!" There was screaming then it was caught off. Kaya's eyes widen.

"Hello!! Are you okay?? What happened??? What is going on!? Do you copy!? Hello!!?" Her hand trembled in anger and she grips the device hard. She somehow managed to resist the undying temptation to slam it to the ground. "Dammit!!" She shouts before running away from her home. She looked around for any unlucky individuals she had to save. She sees one of her neighbors. She is a woman and recently became a mother to a newborn baby boy. She was on the ground, backing away and whimpering with her newborn in hand as the man in the unfamiliar uniform approached with an electric sword, but there was no handle. It was entirely electricity. Odd. The mother wraps her arms around their baby's body to protect it from sudden death. The elemental throws the unconscious man in her hand at the man threatening to kill the innocents. The enemy drops the electrical sword and falls down. Kaya runs over and sends strong kicks at his head to ensure he's out. After four kicks she becomes satisfied and pulls the mother elementian to their feet. "Go! Run to the lab, there's still one more aircraft for evacuation, if it's too dangerous just hide it out!" Kaya yells at the mother and their baby.

"Thank you!" The elementian replied with a shaky and sad yet grateful voice. She ran off with her child pressed against her chest. The man who she assumed was unconscious got up. Kaya looks toward him and jumps back, getting into a fighting stance.

"I found the fire elemental! Get her!" He yelled with what seemed to be a bleeding head. Kaya looks around and notices that many of the oddly dressed people were coming over, some had electricity building around them while the rest had rock covering their wrists and hands. She growls and she throws fireballs at the ones with electricity power then she charges at one with earth hands and she goes for a punch. The person catches the Kaya's fist and nullifies the flame. This makes her gasp. She didn't have much time to be surprised because she quickly got an uppercut then punched across the face which sent her flying. She hits the ground but makes a quick recovery by getting up as soon as possible. She creates a sword with a thick blade and she looks around to be on the defensive. She found it a bit odd that happened but she wondered if it had to do with the enemy's abilities. Kaya gets ran at by another person who was gliding on the floor thanks to their electricity. Kaya swung her sword, at first her attacks were being dodged so she swept the leg, causing the person to trip. Kaya stabs her enemy in the stomach then quickly swings at someone with earth legs and arms. The person raised their arms, the fire hits the earth armor but doesn't damage it, not even a little. Once again, Kaya's powers weren't effective against this type of person. Determined, she did multiple strikes toward the earth but nothing happened. She growls and creates a fireball only for the ground to suddenly pull her in. She looks down and her eyes widen to see she was sinking into the ground. Being unfamiliar with the concept of quicksand, the first thing she did was thrash for freedom. However, it seemed fruitless.

Dammit! I can't go out like this! Kaya thought. I am a stand-in and a representative for the warriors and strength everyone on this goddamn planet has! I WILL get out of this! I will survive! I will get over these odds and warn the other planets! I will accept defeat in this battle but NEVER the war! 

Anger flowed through her blood. She put her hands down against the ground sinking her in and she yells as flames erupt from her hands and feet. This causes her to suddenly erupt from the sand. She wasn't used to flying without some sort of wings. She goes for a landing as far away as she can. As she was midair, she passed other enemies who seemed to be flying without any tool or invention. Of course, this didn't dawn on the elemental before she stopped the fire midair and managed to land on the ground roughly. She nearly fell from the landing and one of her ankles hurt deeply from the impact. She figured she fell too high, but she didn't have time. She could hear rapid footsteps behind her as she took off running toward an enormous building. It was the fire element lab. Well known and many work at it. It's spread around the entire fire element planet and every other planet. Right now, Kaya ran straight for the closest building even though her gut instinct was to fight and protect everyone to her final breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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