They entered the gym holding hands and smiling at each other. Nick stood in the corner growling. The cheerleaders were occupied with the rest of the football team. Everyone seemed to have fun. Harry was blushing a bit as he and Louis walked past a group of unbonded Omega girls that were no cheerleaders. They were all cooing and giggling at how cute they were together.

They walked over to the table with snacks and drinks where Zayn, Perrie, Liam and Niall waited for them. They smiled and greeted them.

The music started and the dance floor slowly got crowded by the students starting to dance. The six friends joined the crowd and danced like there was no tomorrow, having fun.

Sometimes, they would take breaks so now Zayn and Harry stood at the table with snacks and drinks, watching Louis and Perrie dancing together. Both didn’t have a reason to be jealous since Louis was gay and they were just really good friends.

“Come on, be a little sexier!” Harry called at his boyfriend (A/N: I almost wrote bodyfriend XD)

Louis stuck his tongue out and he and Perrie walked over.

“Good choice, Styles, he’s an awesome dancer,” Perrie winked before she took Zayn’s hand in hers and leaned into his side.

They had a great time until finally, it was time for the ball king and queen to be announced. The organizer of the ball stood on stage, babbling away until she finally opened the envelope.

“This year’s ball royalty are … Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards!” she announced.

Niall, Liam, Harry and Louis clapped the loudest as the couple walked up to the stage to get their crowns. They walked down hand in hand and the whole crowd made space. A slow song was played.

“May I have this dance, Milady?” Zayn asked, bowing ridiculously.

Perrie giggled and made a curtsy, holding the seam of her dress a bit up. “I’d be honored, sir,” she answered and placed her hand in his.

Louis and Harry watched them dance and Louis turned to Harry. “Will you dance with me?” he asked.

“You don’t even need to ask,” Harry replied smiling.

They danced in between the other couples. It was a bit strange to other Alpha and Omega couples since Louis was smaller than Harry and Harry led the dance, but it was perfect for the two of them.

Later that night, after the party/ball was finished, Louis took Harry back to his. No-one was there because his mother, step-dad and sisters spent the day and night at their grandma’s.

And if Harry let Louis fuck him into the mattress … twice, no-one would have to know.

~Time Skip~

Harry stood in the line, wearing a black robe and a black hat, waiting for his name to be called. His family sat next to Louis’ in the audience and he smiled.

“Louis Tomlinson,” the principle said.

The Alpha gave Harry a quick smile and glance before he walked up to the principle, shook his hand and took the diploma from him.

Between Louis and Harry were two more students and finally, the Omega heard, “Harry Styles.”

Harry quickly did the same as every student and stood back in a line, making eye contact with Louis who smiled proudly at him.

After every student got their diploma and stood next to each other, they moved the tassels of their hats from left to right and then threw their hats in the air, catching them again before they all hugged each other.

Louis and Harry hugged their friends before falling into each other’s arms and kissing heavily. They held each other tight, just let go to hug their families.

“You’ll move out, won’t you?” Jay asked Louis.

Louis smiled a bit sheepishly and nodded before casting a glance to Harry. “Move in with me?” he asked him.

Harry nodded frantically. “Yes!”

They told their families they wouldn’t come home but go to a party one of the people was throwing. They met their friends, going there all together.

Later that night, Harry was … tipsy. He wasn’t drunk, but he wasn’t sober either. He was looking for Louis since he kind of lost him after going to the toilet.

“Well, if this isn’t Harry Omega Styles,” a new voice said.

“Harry Edward Styles, thank you very much,” Harry rolled his eyes. “What do you want, Nick?”

“Want to take you home, babe,” he said smirking.

“How about … no.”

Nick tried to grab Harry but with a sudden blast of confidence, Harry pulled his hand back and slapped the taller Alpha. Nick stumbled back in shock and surged forward to grab Harry when Louis suddenly appeared.

“How often do I have to tell you this, Grimshit? Stay. Away. From. MY! OMEGA!”

The last word was shouted in his Alpha voice, making every one step away from Harry. Louis punched Nick in the face.

“Harry is my mate,” Louis said, Alpha voice still present. “He is mine. I love him and he loves me and there is nothing you can do about it.”

Louis stepped closer to Nick and pushed him every few words, making the Alpha tumble back.

“And you better pray that you never meet us again, because if you do, I will fuck you up. And now leave!”

Louis pushed Nick roughly so the taller boy fell on the floor, quickly scrambling up and leaving the party. Louis turned around to Harry, asking in the softest voice, “Did he hurt you?”

Harry shook his head. “No. I slapped him and you came before he could do anything.”

Louis smiled and pulled Harry closer, kissing him gently.

They enjoyed the rest of the night, dancing at the party and cuddling at home. They would start looking for flats tomorrow and plan their life together.




Anyways, hope you liked it.

Thanks for reading.

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I love you.

Kisses, Vic :*

Mates With Complications (Larry Stylinson AU A/B/O) {Mpreg}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن