Chapter 24

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Grasshoppers! Hope you’re good!

Harry’s is 21. Harry Styles is 21! He’s a grown up adult! Why do I still see him as a little kid that I want to cuddle the whole time? WHY!?

I finished writing my 50th song a today. Songwriting relaxes me just like writing my stories. I dunno why. I guess it’s because when I write songs, I write about things that actually happened or things I wish for. When I write, sometimes a character in a story is based on people in my life and I can actually write about it while I don’t have the courage to talk about it to anyone because no-one will understand me anyways.

I’m. In. Love. I saw this girl in the mall and she was really cute and had the most amazing hair I’ve ever seen. Purple and blue. And I don’t really believe in love on first sight, but that’s just what happened to me. I can’t stop thinking of her. She’s always on my mind.

I don’t know what to do, but I’m gonna figure it out.

Oh and sorry for the POV switches.


Hope sparked up in Louis after he hung up from telling Perrie and Zayn that he could feel Harry through their bond again. There had to be a way to find Harry.

Louis was pacing up and down in the living room. He could feel Harry’s fear, his nervousness and also a bit happiness and longing.

He got dressed in his denim jacket and put on his vans. He didn’t have an idea what to do, so he would go once more to the police station. He had been there once already, but they didn’t seem too engaged into the case. Maybe Louis would have more luck this time.

~To Harry~

Harry shielded Stella from the tallest of the Alphas with fiery eyes.

“Don’t you dare lay a hand on her!” he growled.

“Get out of my way, Omega!” the Alpha spat back, Alpha voice on full display.


The Alpha looked surprised and Harry took that chance once again and pushed the Alpha back. The taller man stumbled back and fell on the ground. He raised and looked about ready to punch Harry, but then Francesca came to help him and kicked the Alpha’s head.

“Don’t even think about it.”

The Alpha realized that – even though he was an Alpha – he would never take care of the Omegas like that. So he stood up and growled a last time at Stella who flinched, before he left the room.

The young girl broke out in tears and Harry wrapped his arms around her. He felt bad for the young girl. She was fucking sixteen. She shouldn’t be held in a cell like this. None of them should be here.

“Don’t worry, Stella. We will all come out. You will see your mate again,” Harry promised her.

“How can you be so sure?” she asked.

“Have faith. Our mates are probably all searching for us already. It’ll only be a matter of time until they’ll find us. A bonded person’s mind and will is strong. I have faith that my mate will find me.”

~To Louis~

Louis didn’t take the car. He didn’t feel like it. So while he was walking along the pavement to the police station, he let his mind wander back to Harry.

He thought about him, how sweet he was, how beautiful he was, how much he missed him, how much he wanted him back with him.

He could feel anger seeping through his veins and he wondered what was happening to Harry right now. Why was he angry? What where those Alphas doing to him?

Mates With Complications (Larry Stylinson AU A/B/O) {Mpreg}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ