Chapter 6: Athena

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I can't believe they put me in this place. No one believes me, they all listened to the lies. I sat in this hellhole for a week straight until my mom decided to come and get me. The whole ride home I didn't say a word, I was tired, hungry, and irritated. We finally got home after a long hour drive. I took about a 30 minute bath, made some pizza, and then went upstairs in my room. My mom had left to go to work, and as she left, Steve walked in the house from work. He sat downstairs and got drunk off his feet. I took my plate back downstairs and wash it. He walked in the kitchen and then he jumped on me. I kicked and screamed trying to get him off of me. "Just give me what I want. Don't make this harder for yourself." I felt weak and overpowered, but I had to get him off of me. I kicked him in the you know what, really hard, and as he fell I quickly ran away. My little sisters were asleep, but I couldn't trust him around them. I wake them up and have them pack a bag and tell them that we're going to spend the night at a friend's house. I quickly pack a bag for myself and we run out of the house. We run to my friend Rebecca's house and I bang on the door. "What are you doing here?" Rebecca's mom asks. "I don't want to talk about it right now. Just know that it's to keep us all safe." "Well come on in don't wait any longer."

We walk inside and Rebecca runs down the stairs, "Athy! Are you ok?" she runs and hugs me. "I wish I was ok." We all go upstairs in Rebecca's room and I tell her what happened as my sisters were asleep. "He tried to rape me," I said with tears running down my face, "It was horrible." "Where was your mom?" "At work, but even if she was there she wouldn't have done anything." I lay down and cried myself to sleep. The next morning I send the girls off for school and decide to stay at Rebecca's until the next day. I'm pretty sure my mom wasn't looking for me anyway. I don't understand why this family has to be so d*mn stupid, well excluding myself and sisters. I just want my dad back. I want the old family back. Just then I heard a voice speak to me, "Athy honey, be strong for me ok? Daddy is still here watching over you. If I was there none of this would be happening." My father was speaking to me, it made me feel better. "But dad, I can't take this bullsh*t anymore!" "Athena Marie Higgins, you listen to me. You are a Higgins, and Higgins are stronger than this." "You're right dad, but how will I know when you're by my side?" "I'll always be by your side, I'm your guardian angel." He voice slowly fades away. I figure I can do this, I have to be strong.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2015 ⏰

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