About Zachary Winston

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Who Feels Alone, Keep Your Head Up.

Zachary was a nice kid. He kept good grades and participated in all extra-curricular classes.He was tall, skinny, had light brown-blond hair, and brown eyes. He was such a people person, except, he didn't have anyone to talk to. People saw Zachary as a nerdy kid. The school that he goes to isn't necessarily for him. Everyone there is athletic and popular, and he was in the books. What Zachary doesn't understand is that he is a great person. He just needed the right people to show him that. The teachers didn't care, the students definitely didn't care, and his parents couldn't do anything about it. He would go home everyday and cry for hours. He cried because he was bullied, because he was ignored by everyone around him. This had been going on for years now, but no one seemed to care at all. His mom would brush it off, "Oh Zachary. It happens. You'll be over it in no time." His dad tried to help countless times, but then he just gave up. He went to the school and complained, he contacted parents, he even got a kid arrested for punching Zach in the face. Even with all that, he still couldn't help Zachary. As a kid, Zach had no problems making friends. It seemed like the older he got, the more friends he lost. His parents don't know, but Zachary tried to commit suicide over 5 times, but failed every time. He tried to overdose on some anti-depressants and Benadryl at the same time. He also tried to shoot himself with his dad's gun, but it wasn't loaded. He figured that he wasn't meant to be dead, but didn't know why. He wondered if he'd ever find out. He spent most of his time surfing the internet to get ideas as to what he was going through. He never got a straight up answer. He did read one site that said, "If you ask hard enough you will receive." He thought about that for a good while.

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