Chapter 4: Athena

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The next day I get ready for school and start to walk out of the door. It's embarrassing to go to school looking like this. Imagine what people would say. Just as I stepped outside my mother came, "You should put on some makeup, it'll cover up at least the black-eye." She hands me a makeup kit. I look at her in disgust, "I don't want that! You sat there and listened to me scream! Why would you do that!? I wouldn't blame CPS if they came and took all of your kids away!" I throw the makeup kit at her and walk off. How dare she try to get me to hide what he did to me. She doesn't even care that I was beaten almost half to death. I get on the bus and people look at me weird. "What happened," Rodney asks me. "My step-dad..." I put my hoodie on and stare out the window. I get to school and the principal stops me, "Please take off your hoodie," I keep walking. "Athena take the hoodie off!" I continue walking as the principal grabs my arm and takes the hoodie off and gasps. "Who did this to you?" I keep my mouth shut as bad as I want to tell him what happened, I know that if I do, it'll get worse. "Can I just go to class? I don't want to talk about it. Call my parents and ask them what happened." I walk away. The principal decided to take me up on that offer. "Can you please send Athena Higgins to the office for just a moment please?" "Yes sir." I get up and walk to the office not knowing what was going on. I walk in the room and see my mom & step-dad sitting there. "I said I didn't want to talk about it and you bring them here anyway." I sit as far away as possible. "Athena what happened to you honey?" my mom asked as if she didn't already know. "Don't act like you don't know! You were there got d*mnit!" I scream. "Athena calm down!" my principal comes and escorts me outside of the office. "Ok now ma'am what happened?" They walk out of the office and I give them a disgusting look and then walk back into the office. "I'm sorry that happened to you. Did you know that you were doing that?" What was he talking about? "What do you mean did I know? I felt everything." "What was the cause, Do you know?" "He was drunk, and he would've abused my mother if I hadn't stopped him. He turned to me and my mother just sat there and watched as he chased me." "Who was the monster?" What did he mean by monster? "My step-dad did this to me." he looks really confused, "Well your mother said, "It's pretty embarrassing, but...she beat herself up. It's like she was possessed or something. I tried to stop it, but I just couldn't. Luckily Steve was able to stop it before it was too late." Is that true?" What the h*ll none of that is true! She completely lied to him. Everything she said was a LIE! The truth was the complete opposite of what she said. "She lied to you sir." I said. "Your mother told me you would say that. We're going to send you to a mental institute for a while, that is until you get right in the head." "WHAT!?" I scream, "I am NOT crazy!" "It's for the best." The Institute workers come in and students see them dragging me through the hallway. They're probably laughing on the inside, making fun of me, about to burst with comments. Why don't they believe me? I am not crazy I swear they lied!

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