it's been a while since i've written you a poem

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I cannot remember

the last time I've encountered

a word,

I thought I was good with words until

You took it all away

and when you decided not to stay,

they left with you

It could not fall into its place

like how it used to be

But I remembered how we used to be

these nights it seemed to

remind me





I was when I'm still with you

I still yearn to find it again

or even just to find myself again

but what good would it be

if I happen to meet the best version of me

and lose it again for another soul.

I'd rather not be whole.

It's a cycle, it all starts with the lonely,
You turn him into poetry,
and you know how it gets ugly.
So, this is doing yourself a favor,
one a future would ask for.

I wish I could see the parallel universe we are in.

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