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I have always been
the odd one.

First impression's
not a fair game.
But tonight, it was you
who asked me if I
believe in ghosts.
I told you I do believe in ghosts.
And I believe that they
haunt so well.
when I'm alone
in the dark with Silence,
they come.
But you said ghosts
weren't even mentioned
in your religion's bible.
And I thought that might be
a thing to respect,
another one of the many differences of us that
you like to dwell in,
but I stood on my ground,
without you knowing
that the mere fact of
talking to you right now,
I know for sure,
will haunt me.
this moment
will be a ghost,
following me around.

"Okay, fine. I'll believe in ghosts now. That way, they might not haunt me ever. Attracting the opposite, right?"

"If you say so..."

"So... when will you be free?"

"Free for?"

"Dunno, maybe... sharing a meal together? Or anything you'd prefer."


"Oh c'mon, it's just a meal. No malice. Just us being friends."

"Okay, I'll think about it."

"Don't worry, I'm not doing this to make a move one you."

If I told you that night that I believe what you just said, will I be attracting the opposite?

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