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Abbas was in his own thoughts which made his friend Ammar to be amused.He knew very well that something is brewing on his friend's mind which will surely create a ruckus to Areesha.

              Abbas made a call to someone on his phone after receiving a text message.And then he told to hack Areesha's, her family,Shabbir and the gang members phone.He ordered the person on the call that he should know each detail of what her birdie is planning to abscond from him.

          Ammar was not even astounded on his Friend madness.He was shocked to know that Abbas can go to any extent even if it means to invade in other privacy.Ammar asked Abbas" متى ستنهي جنونك لها" mataa satantahi jununuk laha (When will your madness end for her?)

         Nn    "Madness?""This is not madness sadiqi aleaziz(my dear friend).She is like a child.She doesn't even know what or whom she wants.But i know very well what i want and what we want .She has to accept what is stored on her fate.She can't change the fate of being mine."

                  "At least i should have stopped it.Im also a reason for her suffering.Really you are playing well with her life.You are spoiling your and her life.Why can't you understand that she doesn't want your presence in her life.Why you are being adamant to get her?Let her go and forgot whatever happened.Let the past be past."

               " Akhrus(shut up).Its not neither her life nor my life.Its our life.We are bonded together for eternity.I will never let her go,she is my breath.I will die without her.

I can live with her hate,loathe on me.I don't even care if she is hurt or not cause i suffered a lot without her.On knowing everything you are asking me to leave her.I will go to any extent to have her even if it means to hurt someone."

What you mean to hurt someone? what you are going to do?Don't do anything which will make it even worse.

Im wondering whose friend you are.Didnt your twin informed you about my love on her.Even after witnessing it you are asking me to leave her.She is my everything.Why do you think im in this position just only for her.Its my life and i should be the decision maker of it and not even my parents.To have her only i worked hard to be in this position where nobody will question me.

            Ammar knew very well how much he worked hard to be in this post.He is a very well settled bachelor in Qatar,Where every Qatari parents want him as their son-in-law.Even Ammar parents want Abbas as their son-in-law.They made efforts which went in vain.Only the twins knew the reason for his marriage disapproval till now not even Abbas siblings.

            Adnan was a witness of Abbas madness.He still reminds that day how Adnan was beaten blue by Abbas, when he commented on Areesha.How he saved all the memories of Areesha and him as videos, pictures even in audio format.Ammar was lost in his own thoughts.

                 I dont even bother whose side you are.She is planning to have a registered marriage with that guy.She is still stubborn even after she knows that she will lose with me.Why can't she accept me.Why can't she able to understand my feelings,my love for her?What i did ,that she is loathing me this much?I would have given enough time for her to finish her studies even her masters.Why she spoiled everything?Why the hell she can't even understand that she is the one whom i need in life till my death.

You know Ammar when I got to know that she is getting engaged I lost my breath. Still, i remind that fateful day when Abee (father) told ummah(mother) about her marriage alliance.


I have news for you.I hope you will be happy with hearing that. told Bari to his wife Amani

News what was that.First, you tell me than i will know whether its happy for me or not.

Areesha is getting betrothed.Abdul Rahman came to meet me today morning at the office. He told me that a guy who was a senior in Areesha college asked her to marry him. She told him to wait for three years and without her parent's consent, she won't marry. That guy talked with her grandparents.Then he had a talk with Abdul Rahman.He made everyone to accept him.

Abdul Rahman was happy that her daughter made the correct decision. So he accepted. When they went to India on Areesha Birthday both of their families met.and they are planning to get them betrothed. Maybe next year they will bethroth.I'm happy for Abdul Rahman her daughter is such a blessing for him. May Allah grant them happiness.

Amani face lost all her color. She knew that her son is in love with Areesha till now. She was confused about why her son didn't make any move to get married to Areesha. Even till now she never saw him talking to her or talking about her. But she knows very well that he won't let Areesha go.she knows that she has to accept whatever is going to happen.

Amani with a smile in her face told her husband,

whatever is going to happen we have to accept. The Almighty knows what to do. May Allah grant Areesha and her husband a fruitful life.

There Abbas was listening to their talk which Bari was unaware and Amani was aware. She just told the words only for her son. She knows now that her son will do something in which she can accept that.Abbas looked at his mother and his mother gave a smile to him and said,I will accept whatever is going to happen and I'm sure it will be righteous.

Bari asked Amani that he can't understand what she is trying to say.Amani told when you understand me now to know what I'm telling with that she left that place.

It was like Abbas lost in the world alone at that same time.His whole body was sweating frantically.He can feel his heart beating rapidly. Anger was getting him slowly.He went to the garden. He picks an axe and started to cut a tree into wooden logs. It nearly took more than seven hours to finish it completely.No one even dare to went near him.All the time his mind was thinking how he was reckless on Areesha.He nearly lost his mind when his dad was happy that Areesha was getting engaged.Now he is damn sure that his mother knows about him and no matter what she will support him.

With a decision, he took all the trail to come to India to fetch his and only his Birdie.

Flashback ends.

Ammar, Areesha is my hunger, my greed, my breath, my love, my yearning.She is my Desire.She only belongs to me.She is my everything.I will get her no matter what.Be ready to face everything. Her given time is terminated.Now it's my turn.

I hope everything will be good.I want neither you nor her to get hurt. Insha Allah.

But Abbas know His Birdie will be hurt.But she needed that to be with him.

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