Her prayers

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Areesha was doing her maghrib namaz.she was crying while making duas. She was asking repentence for her mistakes.She ask dua to show her a right decision. Tears were running from her closed eyes.Her grand ma got doubted on seeing this. She went down to her daughter Aabitha house and shared her worries about Areesha.

Grand ma: Aabitha im doubtful whether Areesha is hiding something from us.im thinking she is in a problem.
Aabitha: why you are telling like this  amma.
Grand ma: From her birthday night im noticing that she is doing her namaz regularly.She is having tears in her eyes while making duas. I think she is not happy on her marriage decision.
     Sometimes I noticed that she was keenly thinking some things.she was mentally absent in home.she was not talking about her college life to us anymore.

Aabitha: I too noticed that amma. Sultan too said that Areesha was not looking lively now a days.Hope everything goes well. Let me talk to Areesha.
GRAND MA: Yeah have a talk to her. But don't force her to tell everything.Let her be comfortable.I hope she is not surrounded by problems.

Aabitha: I knew Amma. you don't worry.

After finishing her supper Amairah was strolling in the terrace.At the time her uncle Sultan joined her.
" What are you thinking doctor Amma(doctor mam)?
She smiled at her uncle and replied nothing much.
" You know What, in our family you are the first one going to become a Doctor. You also know very well that how much your mom and dad suffered in their life.you know what is parents happiness? 

    When their child settle well in their life with their life partner.

From the past week we all noticed your activities to be different.You are not at all lively.You always seems to be in thoughts.You are not like before.What happened to you?Are you in any problems?"

     Areesha smiled at her uncle and answered ,"Uncle,I know how much mom and dad suffered in their life.I will always try to keep my parents happy and i wont give stress to them.I know very well about them uncle.I'm just thinking about how i'm going to finish my studies without any obstacle.I was thinking why i accepted marriage proposal now,i would have accepted it after finishing my Masters. Thats what i was thinking.I think i made a decision in haste.I feel every thing is happening fast."

    "Are you telling me that you will not be happy in this marriage?"

"No uncle. Im telling i made a mistake of accepting this proposal now.Its distracting me now.I feel distraction while studying. Thats why im zoning out a lot now a days. Im afraid that how im going to finish my course now.I cant even concentrate on anything on thinking about this."

she know that she is getting distracted now a days cause of Abbas arrival .But she cant share it with his uncle.Even she didn't share it with her Fathima appi.As it will give stress to her.But instead she is getting stress day to day.And about the registrar marriage she is in a dilemma.She cant face her family disappointment.She dont even know what will Abbas do now?

   "you made us worry.Talk to shabbir about this.share your thoughts with him.you will be in ease.Its a normal thing to get distracted regarding marriage.sure the boy will understand you."

  At that time her aunty came and gave her the phone telling shabbir is on line.Areesha went down to her room.Sultan told to Aabitha about Areesha's worry on her studies.He asked Aabitha to advice Areesha.

                                     Aabitha told her mom what sultan said.After hearing that only her grand ma was relieved.Areesha talked to Shabbir normally.After that she talked to her parents.when she went to bed her grand ma called her.

   "Aree beta,Aabitha told me that, why you are distracted now a days?If your parents were here there is no need for me to worry about me.But now you are under our care.So only we all are worrying about you a lot.These distractions are normal.You will over come this dear.Dont think about any thing.We are damn sure that our Aree will finish her course with colorful marks and you will finish your masters also.You should be thankful to the almighty for giving you wise parents and a life partner who will make you to achieve your dreams.so dont worry and concentrate on your studies dear.Now go and sleep."

            Aree hugged her grand ma"I will also thanks the almighty for giving me a lovable naani jaan and naana jaan and a understanding uncle and aunty who are like my parents.Love you Naanijaan."

         Areesha went to sleep whereas on the contrast Abbas was watching his Nikkah with Areesha on TV  with a smile which is lingering over his lips.

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