~ Chapter 4 ~

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Weeks had passed since the first rap performance of Runch Randa, Gloss, and JH together. They rapped the same song the week after, which made them gain more attention. Besides the fact that two solo rappers and an ex underground dancer had come together, another reason why they got popular was over the mistery of the name of the song. The audience didn't get an answer until their next new song, which they named 'Cypher Pt. 2', so everyone assumed that the first song was 'Cypher Pt. 1'.

But it wasn't until 'Cypher Pt. 4' when their names were suddenly spread all over Seoul. That song had a beat that made anyone's heads bob to it, the rap was smoother and stronger, and the lyrics spit even more fire than ever before.

Also, their performance was fantastic. They were in a different underground rap performance, in a much better and professional stage, with a much bigger public. All three destroyed every other rapper that night with their rythm and poetry, and thanks to Tae's over the top yelling and screaming of excitement everyone else joined in.

At this point, Namjoon decided to change his name. He went from Runch Randa to Rap Monster around 'Cypher Pt. 3'. He wanted his name to sound powerful and cool, something that would terrify yet excite others at the same time. It seemed to work when he first announced the news, everyone agreed that Rap Monster was a much better name for him. After all, out of the three he had a much deeper voice, plus he would literally turn into a monster whenever he was on stage.

Hoseok decided to change his name to 'J-Hope' thanks to Taehyung. Tae would always remind his hyung how positive, fun, and bright he was, to which lead him to "accidentally" call him his hope. Hoseok felt a spark inside his heart at those words, finally knowing what his true rap name should be.

But besides those changes, there were still a few things that remained the same:

The three friends were still stuck together like glue.

They were still going for a hip-hop approach.

They were still underground rappers.

Taehyung was still their number one fan.

And Yoongi was still Gloss.

Speaking of Yoongi, the eldest, was nowhere to be seen.

Namjoon, Hoseok, and Taehyung were all inside the café in which the main three had met and become friends. It was basically "tradition" for them to always get together in the weekends for breakfast, and it didn't take long for them to include their fanboy. Yoongi would be the first to arrive, then Namjoon, and lastly Hoseok and Tae. But to their surprise, Min Yoongi, hadn't arrived.

"Where could he be? He didn't send a message telling us that he couldn't make it, or something like that." Namjoon asked his friends, holding his cellphone.

"Maybe Yoongi-hyung is late?" Taehyung asked, pulling up the white hood he had been gifted by Hoseok over his head. Ever since he had the white and black-stared sweater, he never took it off.

"Impossible, he dislikes tardiness, our hyung isn't a hypocrite." Namjoon shook his head, looking away from the small screen he possessed in his hands to meet the younger's worried gaze.

"Hey, Yoongi isn't here, you don't have to adress him in such a formal way." Hoseok said in a calm yet playful tone.

"Hoseok," Namjoon's eyes looked away from Tae and were now locked on the older's brown gaze, "as much as I like you trying to brighten up the mood, I don't think it's the right time." He said in a calm yet stern tone.

"I'm sorry Joonie-ah, when I'm nervous I try to make myself laugh to calm down." Hoseok looked down at his hands, that were rested on the table.

Namjoon felt his heart ache at the sight, he stretched out his arm and lightly squeezed one of Hoseok's hands, "It's okay Hobi, no need to apologize." He offered him a small dimpled smile, "I shouldn't have reacted in such a way."

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