~ Chapter 1 ~

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One of man's greatest creations.

Now, I know what you may be thinking. What's so cool about writing with a pen on a piece of paper to communicate with someone else?

Well, for starters, it's a tool that has been used for centuries to share any sort of information towards someone who you can't meet in person. Sadly, people live in different parts of the world and we can't take a few steps and suddenly be with that special being face to face whenever we want to. You wonder how they are doing, your curiosity grows and grows as you don't receive any answers, you miss being able to spend time with them and talk as if you have all the time of the world. So, the next thing to do is to write down whatever emotion you wish share, send it off to its destination and wait for their reply.

It would take days, depending on the distance, for the letter to be received and for the person to reply. But the wait would always be worth it. You write with your own style, the ink dances on the page as they form sentences full of emotion, and it being held later on by the hands of that lovable person is wonderful.

Receiving a reply is even better, your questions have been answered and you now know how they are doing and have read your thoughts and feelings towards them. It's a warm, fuzzy feeling, whether you send the letter or get one. The bond is strengthened thanks to that letter, keeping you and that person strong or stronger together.

Although now, we have these things called "social media". We can send texts to someone else instantly and they will know what you wish to share in a matter of seconds. That's the only advantage to them, but they simply don't have that same magic as a letter does. A bot is sending another bot a piece of information through a cloud.

I don't know about you, but to me, a two-sentenced text just seems...




Personally, when I receive a letter in the mail it brightens my day. Just grabbing an envelope out of the mailbox with my name on it with an actual human handwriting puts a smile on my face. I feel so distinguished knowing that someone has taken the time out of their day to sit down with just a pen and paper to write to me. After I open the letter I am even more eager to read what it says, I feel nothing more than happiness and excitement as I start to scan and take in the words. There is a feeling of personalization reading a small chapter of a person's life story written on a smooth, thin piece of paper. It's always a different feeling to hear about exciting news or something going on rather than getting a call about it or reading it on Facebook or any other webpage of some sort.

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