And for that, Son Chaeyoung is the most wonderful thing that ever happened to Myoui Mina. She is her ball of sunshine and Mina loves her back dearly.

But of course it wasn't all vanilla and rainbows. There're some stormy days as well. It takes a lot of patience and effort but everything was worth it as long as they have each other. 

"Hi," Mina greets Chaeyoung with a shy smile. 

Chaeyoung stares at her, still can't quite believe this beautiful woman is her girlfriend for more than two years. Mina has always been beautiful in Chaeyoung's eyes but as the years passed, her beauty is accentuated by a certain maturity and nurture that only experience and love can provide. The glow on Mina's face is apparent.

"Hi, my angel," Chaeyoung pulls Mina in for a quick kiss despite being in public.

"I miss you," Mina mumbles into the younger girl's short hair, now dyed black, taking in Chaeyoung's familiar scent. Not having Chaeyoung around for three days is indeed torturous for her. 

"I miss you too," Chaeyoung reciprocates. She adds, "Oh by the way, I have a surprise for you." 

Mina raises an eyebrow but says nothing. Looking smug, Chaeyoung takes her hand and leads her to their car. As they settle in, Chaeyoung reaches across their seats and conjures a bouquet of fresh red roses from the back. 

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mina," says Chaeyoung with a proud grin.

"Thank you. You're so cheesy," Mina pinches Chaeyoung's adorable cheeks before accepting the flowers. 

"Well, I know you don't like cheese but you can't say no to my cheesiness," Chaeyoung grins, watching the elegant girl admiring her roses. 

Mina glances at her and pouts, which Chaeyoung finds it super cute whenever she does that, but something still tugs at her heart. 

Chaeyoung's face drops to a sheepish expression, "Err, Mina, I'm sorry. I would've liked to bring you to a nice restaurant but I didn't get to make any reservations."

Mina flashes her disappointed girlfriend a gummy smile, "It's okay, Chaeyoung-ah, you were busy right? As long as you're here with me."

Mina really doesn't mind. She is elated when Chaeyoung worked hard to clear her schedule in Daegu just to spend time with her and even brings her flowers. She doesn't need anything materialistic to prove their relationship status as long as they are in each other's hearts and minds.

Mina didn't believe she can trust someone but to be able to trust Chaeyoung so much, she feels incredibly lucky. 

"I'm here now. Thank you, Mina," says Chaeyoung, her mood slightly lifted upon Mina's assurance. 

Mina leans in to give her a peck on the cheek, "Why don't we go back to my place and I'll cook for us?" 

"Sounds like a plan," Chaeyoung smiles at the idea. 

No doubt Mina is a good cook and she loves her cooking. But nothing beats Mina wearing her penguin apron and mumbling incoherent words under her breath while cooking. It's the funniest thing to watch for Chaeyoung. 

They finally pull up in front of Mina's apartment after braving through Seoul's peak hour. The clock in the living room shows it's nearly 8pm when the exhausted duo step into the cozy house. Putting the bouquet into a vase of water, Chaeyoung catches Mina stifling a yawn.

"Tired at work?" Chaeyoung wraps her arms around Mina's waist in concern.

Mina hums in response, "Itzy's Japan debut is coming soon. And I'm the only vocal teacher that knows Japanese."

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