05-Hell Naw

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I woke up with no one here except Jungkook but he was still sleeping I got ready since I was about to leave I packed my bags and took a quick shower then changed my clothes I got out of the bathroom and saw jungkook walking around the room "Morning Rose~" He said while grinnng "Morning too Kook" I greeted back "I guess ur going home for some dinner with ur brother?" "Yea.. I kinda dont want to though" "Why?" "I just... Dont like to.. be formal.. U know.." "Ok good luck" "Thanks." "Would u like me to drive u there?" "Uh.. Ok".
He got ready and we walked out the house and went to his car (yes he has a car..) 30 mins later we arrived at my house "Thanks Jungkookie" "Ur welcome" *bunny smile* "Bye Rose!" "Bye Kookie!" I shouted and waved while he went off to his house, I went in and sae my brother laying on the floor..

Sleeping. Low key sleeping on the damn floor I looked at him and said "Pfft..Pathetic" I went up stairs and laid on my bed. "Ugh...The recent days are soooo exhausting" I sighed and closed my eyes while thinking of what will we do later at the restaurant and what tiring stuff we will do tomorrow at school.. "Aishh asdfghjk arghh!.." I stopped and thought "Am I having my period now?" I rushed to the comfort room and took a sanitary.. Ya knaw and did that shit.. After that I laid on my bed and fell asleep.

Few hours later my brother woke me up shaking my head around and slapping my face a little I woke up with a 'bruh what?!' face on with annoyance, "What?" "Restauraunt" "wtf why?" "Umm.. Yea u did forgot ur own mother's birthday" Owshit.. Ow I forgot.. "Yea I know that.. I just needed to snap my head ya knaw" I rushed to the bathroom and did shit and wore the dressit was cute actually.. I went out to see if my brother was still there.. he's not there.. Ok.
A few moments later I grabbed my phone and went downstairs to see if my brother was there, and he was.. He was watching tv. "Bro are we gonna go now?" "Yea! Are u ready?" "Yea I am.." "Come on" We went to the restaurant, We went to our table and waited for mom and dad.. They're in Seoul.. A few minutes lter mom and dad arrived "Appa!" "Eomma! Saengil chukhae!" "Gomawo my beautiful child! How's school?" "Its ok." "How about you Rohan-ie?" "Yes mom, Im doing good at work. I even got promoted!" "Waaah jinjja??" We were all shocked "But the promotion includes of being in another country.. Maybe in New Zealand.. I dont think I should accept it though.." "Yah! And leave your beautiful & thicc sister alone?! Hell No!" "What do  u think mom?" "I mean.. Its good for u that u got promoted.. But what about ur sister? Yeobo what do u think?" "Hmm.. She is grown up now.. So I think u should do it. Rose can be responsible for her actions tho-" "She has boyfriend" "*le gasps* NO I DO NOT HAVE ONE" "What about Jungkook?" "Bro, come on please.. We're just friends ya knaw.." "Yea right( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)" "Come onnn" "I mean I guess she can live there.. I mean your cousin does live with him so.. Sure" Fuck. That was tge only thing that ran in my mind that moment.. like hell naw.. But I mean, living with them is very fun and I enjoyed our time together so.. Maybe?

Next Day•°•°•°•

Lunch Time•°•°•°

"H-hey guys!.." "Haro Rose" "Whats up?" "The sky *wind shield wiper laugh*" "So.. My mom dad and brother kicked me out of the house cuz my brother got promoted and he needs to go to another country.. And.. Umm.. Hehe.. They asked me to live with u guys.. So?" "Jinjja?! I've always wanted a daughter!" "She is welcome. But how can we raise anoth-" "Yes Rose.. U are very welcome in our house" "Thanks guys" "How can we raise another?" "Oh nonesense! She is practically 16 now. It shouldnt be that hard." We have a new member of the family! Welcome Rose!" "Haha Thanks guys." "Where is she gonna sleep?" Crap "We have two spare rooms so she can have the other one" "Well if we had spare rooms why do we share a room!?" "Umm.. Thats not the problem today hehe" "Its ok" "Well Thank u guys!" "Ur always welcome" "Yea no prob"

Time skip~

"Why did u want to meet?" I asked my best friend Im Miyeon "Umm.." "Eyy whats wrong" "Well..Its my.." "Your what?" "My father has been killed by my uncle and is going wild and crazy.. and Im scared cuz of that I still dont want to die.. I mean not like that" "Wtf!? Why? and I sorry for ur loss" "Well.. My dad is his older brother and he made a promise to make their dad happy by protecting their mother cuz he had cancer but gramma didnt handle it and she died because of heart attack one day because of an accident of their sister which also died.."  "Waah thats intense" "And since ur my best friend I decided to tell u" "I dont know what to do you can stay with ur mother and hide though" "Yea that would be a good plan but he might track us easily" "And u cant just go out in the open but maybe u should move to a different neighborhood..Oh how about our neighborhood?" "But were but we have the same neighborhood..?" "Oh I forgot to tell u.. Im moving in with the boys.." "Who!?" "Bangtan? U know them right?" "UWaaa Why howcome?!" "THey're fun to be around and Yoongi is my cousin so my mom said I should stay their cuz my bro got promoted and needed to work at another country.. So yea" "Ohhh luckyyy" "HAha but not lucky that ur brother left u haha so sad" Sadlyp "Well I should get going now" "Yea me too" "Bai Miyeon"
As I went to the school I see bangtan waiting for me "Child where were u?" "My friend asked me to meet up and we talked" "About what" kook asked "Its a secret" "Hmm.. Ok" "Can we get going now Im hungry" Yoongz said "WHat would u like to eat my daughter" "Well, anything is fine" "Oh well then.. WAnna Have BiBimbaP??" Eomma said "Oh yea" Taehyung said

We ate and went home.. I unpacked and slept peacefully..

Time Skip~

"Oh my ghad this alarm clock shut upp" "Rose wake up we have school" "Holy shit! GEt out oF mY roOM!!"

To beh continued
Sorry I havent been posting lately I was so caught up playing mobile legends and my studies and practices cuz were graduating now Mianhaeeeeee bai oh and I will be changing my user name too :)) Baii Imma publish again soon I promise ^^

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