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"I didn't ask you if you were hungry, I told you to eat. No question mark," she argued, and I rolled my eyes slightly. I really wasn't hungry. "Brit, you're barely eating. I don't like this."

"I'm fine," I lied. No, I wasn't anywhere near fine. I was physically broken, and mentally on the verge of losing it.

"And you really think I'm going to buy this bullshit?" she asked, crossing her arms under her breasts. "Because I ain't buying it."

"Al," I sighed, and brushed my only functional hand over my tired face. "It's just a phase. I'm sure I'll be fine once we'll be done with Hayden. I'm just really stressed out."

"I know," she sat right next to me, and put her hand on my knee. "Girl, I'm just worried. There's a lot going on lately, and I'm just trying to look out for you."

"I know, and you're doing a great job," I reassured, putting my hand over hers. "Really. I couldn't ask for anyone better. Just hear me out when I tell you I'm not hungry. I won't let myself starve to death, you know that."

"Yeah," she snorted, and looked back at me. "I'm trying my best to make you feel better. I thought waking up with Michael would be a good idea, but apparently it didn't put you in a good mood."

"Girl, I really like the gesture. I hate to admit it but... You know how soft I get whenever I hear him."

"I was worried it would make you sad, since you know... It's been a while you didn't see him," she said in a low voice, looking down at her hands. She sighed heavily as I didn't answer and drank from my glass of orange juice. "Do you miss him?"

"Yeah," I snorted ironically. "He's everywhere and nowhere all at the same time."

"I could take you there, you know. To Neverland, I mean," Alice offered kindly and I shook my head. "Nothing's going to happen. If something was to happen, it wouldn't be as bad, I'm sure about this."

"How can you be so sure about this, Al? This shit is unpredictable," I said, getting a bit upset. "I can't act reckless when it comes to it, I need to be careful. Even though it hurts, I need some time away from him now," I told her, as my own words caused my heart to break a little.

"I don't think that this method is the right one for you right now, but whatever you say, hon," Al gave up, and rubbed my shoulder a bit before she went back behind the stove. "You should get prepared. It's a long ride to go to Montecito, and it's already nine."

"Aren't you coming to help me?" I asked, frowning a bit. As embarrassing as it was, Alice was the one helping me with my morning routine. I couldn't do anything on my own, since my left arm and shoulder were immobilized, and my right side was way too painful for me to do anything.

"Oh uh—yes, I'll be there in a minute," she said, and I nodded my head. I figured she wanted to clean the kitchen first.


When Alice stopped the ignition in front of Hayden's house, my heart started racing as nervousness washed over me. I got out of the car with a wince of pain, and sighed heavily. I needed to do this, whatever was waiting for me behind that door. I took a look at my best friend, and she nodded her head, letting me now that it was time.

Both of us walked to the front door, and when Al noticed my body was tensed, she grabbed my hand and squeeze it a little to show me some support. I gave her a faint yet sincere smile, and took a deep breath before I knocked on the front door. Commotion was heard on the other side, and soon enough a little guy, the same kid as the last time, opened the door with a toothless smile.

"Hello, are you looking for my daddy?" he politely asked, and I smiled at him.

"Uh, yes. Is this Hayden Thames' home?" I asked the little one, and his facial expression changed into a confused one.

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