Jakes "great idea"

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Chance wasn't happy after the video. I mean of course not I publicly dissed the guy. I mean he deserved it but still. Things just aren't good between us and all we do is argue.

Jake came up with a video idea that involved me and Chance sitting down (for a video) and talking things over. We both agreed so while Jake set up I went and got ready.

I did my hair and makeup and came back down just in time to quickly grab some food with tony. He had just ordered pizza for us. I was so hungry! The pizza came and me and tony sat and talked while eating it. After eating Jake called me into the office. Chance was already there sat in a high chair with an empty one in front of him, with a camera set up in front of a white back ground.

Jake then began the video.

Jake: Okay Jake Paulers this video is a sad one so I want you guys to not judge either one of these guys because they agreed to do this. Show them love! ( the camera flips to me and Chance sitting facing each other in front of a white back ground - sad music playing very quietly)

Y/N: Okay... I'm going first then? I want to know what you did?

Chance: I did everything..

Y/N: like what?

Chance: I had sex with other girls. I did everything.

(I just stared blankly at the floor for a few moments trying not to break down into tears. When I brought myself together I looked back up)

Jake: So lets start with how you guys met.

Chance: we met threw Alissa (chance knew Alissa a while ago and he first met Y/N when they were 16). Y/N hated me at first.

Y/N: No, I didn't like u at first.

Chance: then a couple years later she's being signed to Team 10 and on the first day she moved in here I met her by the gates. She couldn't get in...

Y/N: and then you offered to carry my bags upstairs... (tears falling down my face but I'm smiling)

Chance: And yeah we spent a lot of time together. I would say you was my best friend.

Y/N: Yeah me too. (Wiping tears of my face)

Jake: So when did it get bad?

Y/N: I started going through his phone... I would see text messages or pictures of girls. Then I would ask him about it, and sometimes he would lie and sometimes he'd say he'd stop. But you didn't.

(Chance just looked straight at you and didn't say anything)

Y/N: One time I went to his room and he had someone else in his room. (Looking at the ground) and he told me to leave. And I went back to my room and I just cried... like the whole night. (Chance signs) I think I went a little while without talking to you, and you said something like I'm sorry I'm not gonna do it again.

Chance: there was a point where thing weren't the same..

Y/N: Whatd you mean?

Chance: like you was always going through my phone...

Y/N: That's because I didn't trust you. How many times did you cheat on me?

Chance: I...I...I.. I don't know.

Y/N: If you had to say ?

Chance: I don't know, I wasn't counting.

I get up off my chair and leave the room for a minute. Chance stays in his chair. After cooling off I come back into the room.

Chance: It had more to do with me just not being able to commit.

Y/N: Why not?

Chance: at the time I really didn't want to. I think sometimes we are just not on the same page.

Y/N: yeah I think that.

Jake: So now guys I want your true feelings of everything.

Y/N: I was in love with you. I wanted to be with you. But that's all in the past now.

Chance: I hope I never see you again. (I looked at him shocked at his comment. He changed his mood). I did the video so that Y/N could move on.

Y/N: So I could move on? ( shocked)

Chance: Yes. Because you still wanted to be with me when I didn't wanna be with you.

Y/N: Did I? Jake asked us to do this video to talk about everything we haven't talked about.

Chance: what is there to talk about?

Y/N: the fact you cheated on me all the time when we was together.

Chance: We were never together.

Y/N: what (confused)

Chance: it was we ordered food and chilled for the night...

Y/N: Shut up Chance (getting up and walking out)

Chance: come get some truth! (Shouting)

Macie: (walks back over) I only went out with you to see if the rumours where true (putting s pinky up. If you're too young to get this I'm sorry 😂).

Chance: Sit down

Y/N: don't tell me what to do. I could of said fuck him but instead I said he's not a bad guy.

Chance: saying someone's not a bad guy is not saying he told me he didn't want a relationship...

Y/N: you never said that!

Chance: the whole time we messed around I told you, Hey Y/N I really like you, I love you. But I don't want to be in a relationship with you, that's never what I wanted. (I just stare blankly at him)

Y/N: I moved on along time ago I'm very happy. Well I will be when this video ends.

Chance: As you know, even thought it's none of your business, I'm in a relationship.

Y/N: the same one that happened when we was together? Yeah ino. I don't care that's none of my business. I washed my hands with you a long time ago.

Chance: I wash my hands with you.

Y/N: Awesome. Jake is this done now? I'm going.

True love - Andrew Siwicki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now