Noble house of black

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" Master always liked his little jokes" said Kreacher. " Master was a naughty ungrateful swine who broke his mother's heart-"

"My mother didn't have a heart, she kept herself alive out of pure spite"

" Whatever Master says , Master is not fit to wipe slime of his mother's boots. oh my poor mistress what would she say if she saw Kreatures serving him. What would she say. How she hated him, what a disappointment he was-"

" I asked you what you were up to" Sirius said coldly. "every time you show up pretending to be cleaning you see something off in your room so we can throw it out"

"Kreacher would not move anything from its proper player in Masters house. " Kreacher started mumbling to himself against. "Mistress would not give creature the tapestry was thrown out! Seven centuries it's been in the family. Kreacher must save it. Kreacher will not let Master and the blood traitor and the brats destroy it"

" I thought it might be that"Sirius and creatures conversation went on a little further tell series ordered Kreature out of the room. Hermione oyster pinion that have serious just like Kreature go that the problem would be solved.but if serious was still a creature go he knows far too much under formation about the Order of the Phoenix in the pure shock would kill him. Download Sirius across the room to the tapestry Kreature with trying to get.Danny can understand how Kreatures thought he could take the thing around the entire length of the wall. It was very large. Golden string attached to each face and name to one another. It was the Black family tree. " Your not on here" said Harry looking around at the tapestry. " I used to be there" Sirius pointed to a burn mark on the tapestry. "my sweet on my old mother blasted me off after I ran away from home " " you ran away from him?" Harry asked.
" When I was about 16, I'd had enough"
"Where did you go?"
"You dad's place. I was always welcomed at the Potter's. " Sirius looked at both Danie and Harry when talking now. " Your grandparents were really good about it, they sort of adopted me as a second son. Yeah I camped out at your dad's in the school holidays, and when I was 17 I got a place of my own. My uncle Alphard had left me a decent dit of gold he's been wiped off here too. I was still welcomed at Mr. And Mrs. Potter's for Sunday lunch though" Sirius explained. Lean onto those fond memories. "But......why did you?" Harry asked. " Leave? " Sirius ran his hands through his long black unkept hair. " Because I hated the whole lot of them. My parents, with their pure-blood mania. Convinced that to be a Black made you practically royal. My idiot brothers , soft enough to believe them. That's him" Sirius pointed him out. Pureblood mania, thinking they're royalty sounded like a certain platinum blonde family she knew. Regulus Black the name read. Right above the date of death and date of birth. " He was younger than me. And a much better son as I was constantly told. "
"But he died" Harry said.
"Yeah, Stupid idiot........he joined the death eaters. " Harry was very surprised by this well the others had figured this out by now. Mrs. Black was a big red flag. Soon enough Mrs. Weasley came in with a tray of sandwiches. She once again have a very unpleasant face. Everyone except Harry and Sirius walked over to the coffee table and sat around it to eat their sandwiches. " Thank you Mrs. Weasley" Danie said politely. " It was no trouble dear" Mrs. Weasley returned to her usual kind self. Danie was still listening to Sirius and Harry's conversation. Sirius continued about the nasty members of his family. " Of course any time my family produced someone halfway decent they were diswoned. I see Tonks isn't on here. Maybe that's why kreacher won't take any orders from her. He's supposed to do whatever anyone in the family ". " you and Tonks are related?" Harry asked. Danie was also surprised by this. She stood up and walked over. " Oh yeah her mother Andromeda was my favorite cousin. "No, Andromeda isn't here anymore either" Sirius pointed to a burn mark on the tapestry. Inbetween Bellatrix and Narcissa. "Andromeda's sisters are still here because they made lovely respectable pureblood marriages. But Andromeda married a Muggle born, Ted Tonks so" Sirius pretended to blast the tapestry with his wand and let out a laugh. " You're Realtors to the Malfoys!?" Harry asked in pure shock.
" The pure blood families are all interrelated" Sirius explained " if you're only going to let your child marry a pure blood your choice are very limited. There are hardly any of us left. Molly and I are cousins by marriage and Arthur's something like my second cousin once removed. But there's no point looking for them on here, if ever a family was a bunch of blood traitors it's the Weasley" Harry and Danie looked at the Weasley siblings they have grown to love so much. " It wouldn't surprise me if dad was somehow related. From what I know he came from a pure blood family" Danie spoke up. " Perhaps, James and I did look but didn't find much." Sirius said. "Wait so are we pure blood?" Harry asked. " No we're Half bloods Harry" Danie explained. "Half-blood?". " Dad came from a pure blood family, like the Weasley well mom was muggle born, like Hermione. Making the two of us half bloods. " He nodded his head and Danie spoke. " But if I where to Marry George" George started to choke on his sandwiche well Fred was laughing out loud. " As I was saying. If I were to marry George and we had children our children would be pureblood become of his pureblood heritage and my pureblood heritage. But if Ron and Hermione " the Ron started coughing out his sandwiche. Hermione had a very uncomfortable look upon her face. Ginny was now joining in of Fred's laughter. " And they had children they would be half bloods like us. " Harry seem to have understand what was said. " But whether one is pureblood, muggle born of half blood doesn't effect their magical capabilities what so ever" Danie finished and walked back over to the others. She snakes George and Fred on the arms. " Honestly you two are so immature. " She huffed. " So what to marry George do you?" Fred smirked. " I was using him as an example!" George had a blush on his face. Danie crossed her arms. She had an unsettling feeling in her chest. "Would marrying me really be that bad? " She didn't say it as a question but more as a statement. George didn't say anything. " I'm going to see if Remus needs any help " Danie walked out if the room. She realised she didn't know where Remus was and walked back into the room. "Where's Remus?" " In the study dear" Mrs. Weasley answered. " Thank you" Danie left once more and walked upstairs to the study. She knocked on the door. " Is me". Danie called from outside the door. The sound of shuffling papers could be heard. "Come in" Danie opened the door. Remus had neatly put away his papers . "Danie, what's wrong" Danie closed the door behind here. " Stupid George!" She throw her arms up in frustration and started to pace back and forth." I was explaining to Harry what a pure blood and half blood are. I used an example of is George and I got married and had children and he choked on his sandwiche will Fred laughed his head off!" Remus listened intently. "I asked if it would really be that bad to marry me and he didn't say anything! As if I would marry someone so reckless and irresponsible and foolish. He would have to take me on a date first at least...Not that I want him too! He just sometimes he makes me so mad he's just such a-" "Ninny?" " That one way to put it. " Danie let her back slide down the length of the door. " You know it feels like just yesterday that your mother was saying the same things about your father. Though arrogant was used a lot more in her conversation" he let out a small chuckle. Danie pulled her knees into her chest. She wished she had her mom to talk about this kind of thing. She was thankful for Remus. She loved him life a father and he always knows what to say. But sometimes she feels like she's a burden to him. "If she thought he was so awful why did she marry him?" Danie asked him. Remus smiled and took a seat on the floor infront of her. " He grew up for one thing, but deep down he was never a bad guy. He just had a rather extravagant way of expressing himself" Danie looked down at her feet. " I think it was the Day you were born were I saw the biggest change . " Danie looked up at him. " He wanted a boy so badly. When we found out you where a girl. Lily and I weren't sure how he was going to react. " Remus had a smile on his face. " What did he do?" " He cried, alot. Sirius almost toppled over. I'd never seen James and Lily so happy. And when Harry was born. All they could talk about raising you two in the wizarding world and all the things they wanted to show you two. " His voice trailed off. " My point is, that he may seem foolish now but one day he'll grow up and you might just see him differently" Danie Attacked Remus with a hug. "Thanks moony" Remus pet her hair and hugged her back.

The Girl Who lived, loved and Lost ( Harry Potters stister)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora