Nicole nodded her head. She knew that Riley wasn't going to hurt her and Riley knew that he wasn't going to hurt her. Why did people have to make up their own stories? Nicole knew that Riley loved her and he had even told her that, so why did people have to be so judgmental? Nicole hated it how she had to worry about what other people were thinking of her relationship.

"Do you think she will get over it?" Nicole asked after she untied Lightning and let him loose in the paddock. Nicole then moved onto grooming Ruby.

"I hope so," replied Riley.

"I do too."

"Shouldn't your dad groom his own horse?"

"No, it's okay. He knows that I love Blue as much as him. And besides, it is not like dad never grooms his own horse. I just like to do it for him sometimes."

"Oh, right."

It wasn't long before Nicole had finished grooming all of the horses, after she told Riley a few times to stop making Blue want to play. Riley said he couldn't help it because he thought it was so funny when he tickled the horse's muzzle, and getting a lick in return. But Nicole was able to finish her work and Blue was soon back in the paddock.

Nicole and Riley then headed inside to make themselves some breakfast. Mr Walker was already at the bench making himself a coffee. He nodded a hello to Riley as he hugged his daughter and gave her a good morning kiss. Nicole then sighed with frustration. Why couldn't her father just learn to like Riley?

It wasn't fair.


Isabella was up early that morning, eager to get back to RayBourne. She wanted to spend time with her horse and also Hannah. After the talk she had with Tasha yesterday, she could see that the only thing that would help her would be to be with her horse. When Isabella had finished gathering her things, she walked down the stairs, ready and waiting to go. And she was surprised when she saw Mr Wilson.


"You're here again?" she asked.

"Yes," replied Mr Wilson, "I thought you would like to spend some time with your big brother."

Isabella couldn't help but smile when Mr Wilson called himself her big brother. She loved him as a brother and it was so exciting that they felt as though they were real siblings.

"So, are you taking me back to RayBourne?" asked Isabella.

Mr Wilson nodded his head.

"Well, I should let Tony and Elizabeth know."

"No need to," said Mr Wilson, placing his hand on Isabella's shoulder to get her leave, "it's already done."

"Oh, okay. Well, I am ready to go, then."

"Okay, let's go."

"Can I drive?" Isabella asked as she and Mr Wilson walked to his car.

"Still learning?" Mr Wilson smiled.

"Not exactly."

Mr Wilson was confused.

"I got my license in RayBourne. I can drive anywhere I want now."

"Congratulations. Why didn't you tell me?"

"Slipped my mind?"

"Sure it did."

"I just didn't know how to tell you, and when I would get the chance."

"Well, that's great. I am happy for you."

High School Story: University Life (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now