Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

April 29th

The next three weeks flew by according to Tasha. Today was the day when Adam would be coming home and, once again, Tasha was going to the airport with his family. Tasha was so excited to see Adam in person. Talking to him online was not the same as seeing him in person and Tasha just wanted to hug him. She missed him so much and she just wanted to see him again. And once again, she had taken time off of classes just so she could welcome her boyfriend home.

Tasha would have liked to spend the whole day with her boyfriend but she couldn't because she would have to go to classes later that day. She decided that she would just have to organize another day to catch up with him because she wanted to spend a lot of catch up time with him.

Tasha said goodbye to her parents and Mr Wilson, still ashamed of the babyish argument she had with him a few weeks ago, and then she made her way to Adam's house. Adam's parents had said that they would take Tasha to the airport with them again and Tasha was glad of that. The only other option was Mr Wilson taking her to the airport, since her parents were heading to work, and Tasha didn't want to be alone in the car with him.

"Hello, Tasha," said Mr Little after Tasha knocked on the door, "you are just in time. We were about to get going."

"Okay, that's good," replied Tasha as she followed everyone out to the car.

When everyone was in the car, Mr Little headed to the airport. Tasha couldn't wait to see her boyfriend and allow herself to be wrapped up in his arms. She now loved Adam more than ever and she was so grateful to have him in her life. He was the best boyfriend she could have ever asked for and she was so glad he was her's.

"You must be as excited to see Adam as we are," said Mrs Little as she looked over her shoulder.

"I am," Tasha nodded her head in agreement.

"Well, we know that he is excited to see you."

"He told me last night when we were talking."

"I am amazed he was able to take his laptop with him," said Mrs Little, "I have found that he can't live without technology lately."

Tasha was glad that she wasn't the only one who could see that Adam was addicted to his technology. Tasha wasn't sure whether his addiction was a bad one or not. She would have to think about it.

"Maybe that's because he has assignments to do, Mrs Little," Tasha smiled.

"You are probably right," replied Mrs Little, "but I don't think he would be very interested in working on assignments during this trip."

"I think they had some sort of assignment that is linked to this trip."

"Oh, do they?"

Tasha nodded her head.

And now was a good time to start thinking of seeing Adam again.


Before Tasha and the Little's made it to the airport, Tasha found that she was powerwalking to the gate with excitement. She couldn't wait to see Adam and she couldn't sit down because of it.

Tasha walked over to the large window with Braedon and they watched the planes come in and the workers work. Braedon had forgotten all about every bad mood had had this year, but Stan was still as grumpy as ever. Tasha knew that Adam was going to be investigating this as soon as he got over his jetlag.

Tasha looked down at Braedon, "are you excited to see your brother?" she asked.

"I am," Braedon agreed, "and so is Bas."

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