Chapter 28 Adrien's New Girl?

Start from the beginning

     "Really, you are his cousin!  That is so cool!"   Lila says.

      "I sure am and you are?"   Kathy ask.

     "Oh, I am Lila, Adrien's  ex girlfriend.  Just so you know he dated me before that blunette caught his eye!   Once that happened, it was all over for us!  He dumped me just so he could be with her!  I must say I think she did not treat him that well though."   Lila says.

       "Well, Marinette  rejected my affections towards her. She told me she was in love with someone else, but never did say who."  Luka says.

          "You are over her now though, right Lukie?"   Lila says.

       "Yes, of course, babe!"  Luka says.  He thinks, I am surprised I said that but some how I find it to be true.  I have moved on now because I love Lila.  

       "Wow, that is great!  So who are you into now?"   Lila ask.

       "You!"  Luka says.

       "Wait, what?"   Kathy and Adrien says at the same time.

       "Really, you like me?"   Lila says.

       "No,  I do not like you!   I love you, Lila!"  Luka says.

      "Wow, I am so happy!  I love you too, Luka!"  Lila says.

       " Wow, guys! I am happy for you!"  Adrien says.  

      "Thanks man!  So know hard feelings then?"  Luka says.

      "None taken."  Adrien says.

      Kathy goes for a walk along the beach.   Luka does the same with his new girlfriend, Lila.  Adrien does not bother to join them.  He does not feel in the mood.  This just reminds of him about how he used to hold Marinette's hand as they would walk together along the shore.  

        Adrien goes home.  He puts a few belongings into a suitcase.  He writes a note and places in  inside the screen door.   He leaves.  He flies away from Sunny, California and all his troubles.  He hopes his cousin will understand why he left town.  He hopes for the best for Marinette and whoever she ends up with that is not him.  He does not  sleep on the plane.  When the plane arrives in Dublin, Ireland, he gets off the plane. He takes a taxi to nearest Bed and Breakfast. He checks into the place after he gets his luggage out of the taxi and pays the driver.   He  goes to his room and falls asleep.  He is worn out after all his travels.  

       As Adrien sleeps, Marinette begins to think.  She thinks, maybe she was a bit hard on Adrien.  It is not like it would be wrong for him to date someone new.  She did dump him.  She gave him the necklace back.  She never told him how she really felt.  She does blame him one bit.  She goes to his place and is surprised how dark it is there.  She notices a piece of paper that shows through the top of the screen door !   

       Marinette turns away and goes back home.  She thinks, wait!  Adrien went to Ireland, but why?   She shrugs her shoulders and enters her place.  She tries to sleep, but finds it harder than she ever imagined.  She tosses and turns most the night.  When she does sleep, it is not more than  four hours.  She feels fortunate she got any sleep in at all.

        Kathy's  POV:  Adrien sure seems down without this Marinette in his life.   Luka appears to be fine though!  I am really happy for Luka and Lila.  At least this way, he will not mind if Marinette never loves him.   However, I must admit I worry for my cousin, Adrien!  He is very in love with the life guard girl.   He can stand to see her with anyone else, yet he let her go because he feels he has no choice.  He says she broke his heart because he confessed his love and she did not return it.   Only, I saw it in her eyes and heard in her voice when she thought I was Adrien's  girlfriend that she does love him.   The thing is she is  afraid to tell him!  I can not figure out why when it is so obvious those two are meant to be!   

     Luka and Lila's  POV:  What on earth just happened?   Why did Marinette dump Adrien in the first place?  Why does she still refuse to believe Adrien told the truth about his cousin?   Why is angry with him?   Did she really return some necklace he gave her?   When she dumped him,  was it because she does not love him as he says, or is there a different reason behind all this?    

       Luka and Lila's  POV:  The two think it is strange as can be that Marinette would do this.  It is obvious, Marinette loves this Adrien fellow and that Adrien in turn loves her!  They figure the sooner she confesses the sooner all will be right again!  Until then, they both feel sorry for Adrien who he left all alone and feels like she hates him.  This can only lead to trouble in the mean time.

       Kathy's  POV  again:  Come on Adrien!  You can not give up now.  She is the one for you!  Come on Marinette!  Just get over your silly fears, and confess to him already!  Confess before you really do loose him to some one else for good!  Come on!  It is now, or never!   I know you two are at odds with one another now, but I still believe you are perfect for each other!  In the end, I still hope to see you together for good !    I mean it my cousin deserves to be happy and he needs you to help him with it, Marinette!     

      to be continued in Chapter  29  Dublin, Ireland?

A Miraculous Story: Tough Decision?  AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now