Chapter 24 The Sleepover?

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       Marinette yawns. She is all worn out.  She is glad to have gotten to go on a date with her sweet, boyfriend, Adrien though.  She had a great time.  She gets up from the table and sits down on the sofa in his living room.  She sighs.  She yawns again.  

      Adrien cleans up the table.  He washes the dishes, puts the leftovers away and goes to check on Mairnette.  He finds her on his couch.  He notices she looks sleepy.  He sits down next to her.

     "Hey, beautiful!"  Adrien says.

    "Hey handsome!"  Marinette says.

     "You look tired, Mari!" Adrien says.

     "I am not cinnamon roll."  Marinette says. She yawns just the same.  She puts her head down on his shoulder and falls asleep.  

      Adrien smiles at his girlfriend. He does mind she feel asleep. He thinks, she is even pretty when she sleeps.  He sighs.  He gets up slowly as not to wake her.  He gets a blanket out of the hall closet and gently draps it over her.  He removes her sandals and places them next to the sofa.  He smiles, leans over her and kisses her forehead.  He hears her talk in her sleep.  He blushes.

      As  Marinette sleeps, Adrien turns off the lights in the living room and kitchen.  He checks to see all the doors are closed and locked.  He sets the alarm, goes upstairs, gets ready for bed and soon he too dozes off.  He has a nice dream too.

     At some point it rains outside, but neither Adrien or Marinette notices.  Adrien just sleeps through the night in his room as Marinette sleeps on the sofa downstairs.   Marinette wakes up at 2 am.  She looks around her and blushes when she realizes she slept over at  Adrien's.  She is still very tired though.  She gets up and borrows the half bathroom for a bit.  When she finishes she goes back to the sofa and lays back down.  It is not long before she falls back to sleep.  

      The next day at  seven am, Adrien gets up.  He remembers he has a guest downstairs and smiles.  He can hardly wait to see her again.  He blushes.  He gets ready for the day and heads down stairs.  He sees Marinette is already up, and hugs her.

      "Good morning, Mari!"  Adrien says.

     "Good morning,  cinnamon roll!"  Marinette says.

      "Your bed head is so cute!"  Adrien remarks.

     "Haha, very funny!  I did not sleep in a bed.  I slept on the sofa."  Marinette says.

      "Oh, well even you ever stay the night again, you are welcome to use the guest room."  Adrien says.

     "Thanks, I will certainly keep that in mind."  Marinette says.

       "What is that smell?"  Adrien ask.

      "Oh, I made some coffee!  Hope you do not mind!"  Marinette says.

      "Wow, thanks, Mari!"  Adrien says.  He kisses her on the nose.

        "Your welcome, darling."  Marinette says.  She notices Adrien's face turns bright red.  

          "Would you like to stay for breakfast?"  Adrien ask.

         "Sure, I do not see why not."  Marinette says.

          "Great!  I make some mean, french toast!"  Adrien says.

         "Well, that sounds good!  Is there any bacon?'"  Marinette ask.

          "Yes, there is !  Want me to fix it to go with the french toast, then?"  Adrien ask.

       "  Sure, that sounds great!  I mean you do not have too, but you can if you want too."  Marinette says.

         "I will be happy too, sweetheart!"  Adrien says.  He does seem to notice what word he just said.  It sorta just slips out.

        Marinette blushes an even brighter red than the shirt Adrien wears.  She thinks, he just said, sweetheart!  She is happy, but not sure what to make of it all.

          A few minutes later, the breakfast is ready.  Adrien pulls her chair out for her like he did the night before.  Marinette smiles and sits down.  Adrien serves the food, the coffee, and some orange juice.   He sits down and closes his eyes as Marinette says the blessing this time.

         As they eat,  Adrien  remembers how cute she was asleep on his sofa. He thinks, what would it be like to wake up to her face near mine every day?  He tries to shrug the thought off. Only he continues to think about it the more he sees her smile at his breakfast table today.

       Marinette thinks about the night before and sighs.  She thinks, what would be like to have him prepare breakfast for me like this everyday?   It would not have to be french toast every time, but still.   She tries to shrug off the thought.  She sighs as she eats her food.

        After the meal, Marinette goes into the bathroom and brushes her hair.  There she thinks, much better!  

      Adrien smiles and gives her a thumbs up.  

      "What does that mean, Agreste?"  Marinette says.

       "Oh, umm, your hair looks nice! "  Adrien says.

     "Really?"  Marinette says.

       "Yes, really, my Mari!"  Adrien says.

        "Thanks for the meal, but I have to go now."  Marinette says.

        "Okay, let me get the door for you!"  Adrien says. He turns off the alarm, unlocks and opens the door.

           "See you later, Adrien!"  Marinette says.

      "Yeah, see you later, sweetheart!" Adrien says.  This time he says it on purpose.  He smirks as she waves back at him because he can see she looks embarrassed.  He thinks, good!  I hope she and I get married some day!  Whoa, Agreste!  Hold it there, boy!  He says to himself.

        to be continued in    Chapter 25  The Misunderstanding?

A Miraculous Story: Tough Decision?  AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now