Chapter 21 Movie Night!

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           Marinette gets up early the next day.  She eats half a  bagel with cream cheese, some scrambled eggs, and a few peach slices.  She drinks some apple juice.  She smiles. She thinks, today is a great day. The sun is out!  There is not a rain cloud in sight.  She waits till 9 am to leave to head on out!  She starts work right at ten.

         Luka is already at the beach.  He arrives there daily at about 7 am, so he can jog.  Then, he sits on a towel and relaxes for a bit.  He looks to see if Lila is nearby.  He does not see her yet.  He thinks to himself, Hmm, well, she will be here later then.  I am sure of it!  

       Adrien gets to the sandy area at about 9:30 am.  He is happy to see Marinette is there already!  He waves at her.  He smiles as she waves back at him.  He is glad she is his girlfriend since she is so sweet, amazing, and cute!  He blushes as he sits down on his beach towel to relax.  His doctor gives him strict orders not to surf for a week.  This is fine with him as he rather watch to see what Marinette is up too.  

      A small child comes by and builds a sandcastle beside the sand dunes.  The little girl scoops up some sand with a shovel.  She adds just a small portion of water from the ocean to it.  She goes back to the sand dunes area.  She makes a small moat.  Then, she adds a few small towers inside the moat.  She keeps at it until she finishes the sandcastle.

     Adrien sees the sandcastle when it is done and has to admit it looks great!  He stands up and offers to take a photo of it.  The girl nods her head.  Her mother nods her head in approval as well.  Adrien takes a photo of both the sandcastle and the child.  He even manages to get a picture of the girl's mother.  He hands the phone back to the child's mother.

    Marinette saw the entire thing and smiles proudly.  She can not believe it!  Adrien's interaction with the little girl was wonderful.  She can not help, but be more than happy to spend time with him later that day.  Why so far, he appears to be the best guy ever!

     During her lunch break, Marinette sits alone. Adrien notices and sits down next to her. 

 "Mind, if I join you?"  Adrien asks.

    "Haha, it looks like you already are cinnamon roll!"  Marinette says.

    " Yeah, I suppose you got me there,"  Adrien says.

      Adrien and Marinette enjoy a nice meal of pimento cheese sandwiches, some grapes, and a slice of watermelon.  The two drink some lemonade.  When they finish, Adrien reluctantly lets go of her hand.  He kisses her on her cheek and giggles as she blushes.  

  "See you again, later, Mari!"  Adrien says.

   "Yes, see you later,  Adrien!"  Marinette says.

       Soon she gets back to work.  Adrien admires her from his place back on the towel.

         Meanwhile,  Luka has Lila to keep him company. He appears not to mind.  It is really hard to say if he likes her or not at this point.  He is kind to her though.   He even offers her some of his lunch, and she agrees to share half his chicken salad sandwich.  He gets up after some sips from his canteen.  

     "I have to get back to work now,"  Luka says when he checks the time.

     "Okay, Lukie!  Thanks for the sandwich."  Lila says and winks at him.

     "Your welcome!"  Luka says.

         As he returns to work, Lila watches him and sighs.  She thinks I wish he would really notice me, but I am lucky if he even considers me a friend.  She goes and sits down near the ocean and stretches her feet out in front of her.

A Miraculous Story: Tough Decision?  AU  by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now