"Excuse me?" Azura replied annoyed. "I've never heard of anyone getting a room by themselves and I'm your roommate. Deal with it. Oh, and seeing as we're sharing this room from now on, you might want to reconsider your attitude because otherwise, it'll be a long year."

Azura saw she'd startled the other girl. Even though she'd not been that harsh, her voice had been that of a 'Don't mess with me' tone. It'd worked... The girl probably wasn't used to other people talking back to her and had lost some of her bitchy composure.

"Hmpf, well as long as you stay on your side of the room it will be fine, I guess." The girl entered and sat down on her bed playing with her phone.

"Yeah, nice to meet you too. My name is Azura by the way; if you're interested."


The girl's phone rang and she picked it up. The volume was so loud even Azura could partially make out their conversation. She tried not to listen in but did manage to get ahold of a name. When the girl ended her call Azura sat down on her bed and flashed the girl an innocent smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Theresa."

Theresa's eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her skull.

"How did you know my name? Are you one of those freaks who hears everything?"

Azura laid down on her bed staring at the ceiling with a wicked smile on her face.

"Maybe..." She snorted and turned her back to the high pitched tone of her roommate.


A week had passed by in a blink of an eye. Azura had joined the climbing group and things between her and Theresa had actually improved a lot. Theresa wasn't that bad, but she did have a strong opinion. Azura hadn't cared about the whims of the girl and as soon as Theresa had figured it out, she laid off a bit more and they actually got a chance to get to know each other.

As it turned out she was the daughter of someone high up in management and had no choice of where to study, getting pressured to come here. Even though she was human and none of her old friends were here, her dad had insisted on her joining the college as part of a good education. Theresa had been pretty ticked off about it and vowed to hate all the things the college associated with, including the other non-human races. Her vow was broken in less than a week.

Classes had begun two days after Azura had arrived and it was hard. It had been a while since she'd been confined by rules set by a school or college and the only reason she'd come out was to study at the library. Azura was stunned when she had first set foot in the building, it was tremendous!

She let her hand glide past all the books as she walked from shelf to shelf. There was so much information here about the world, both human and supernatural. Not just the fantasy stories humans had written, but actual historical facts and history about almost everything. Azura stopped when she saw the shelf with information about all the different kinds of shifters.

Hope rose in her chest as she quickly hurried over in the hopes to find more about the werecats. There were tons of books about werewolves and shapeshifters in general but not so much about werecats.

"Can I help you?"

Azura turned to find the source of the angelic male voice. A tall slender man dressed in a dark green silk-like suit faced her. He looked to be in his early fifties, the tips of his eyebrows went upwards as if they were small wings on his face. His lips were thin and his nose was big and pointed. A strange sight for the eyes.

"Uhm yeah... I was looking for books on werecats." Azura tried not to stare too much at the man, not wanting to appear rude.

"Werecats? Those are rare. I haven't seen one for a long time. Well until now it seems, but why would you want to read a book about something you are yourself?"

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