Chapter Twenty-Three (23)

Start from the beginning

"My friend?" was all Jean could manage to say through her surprise. She looked at him, leaned back against the window, his hair a mess. She didn't know how the events in her life transpired to be more comfortable with Shawn Lewis than anyone else in her life, but it was true. He got her. He made her want to be a better person. He was probably the only person in the world who could make her smile after sharing the most difficult part of her past.

"Can I pray for you, Jean?"

She felt the words come out of her before she could give it any thought. "Yes."

He sat up, placing his arm around her shoulders and grabbing her hand with his other. She felt her heart speed up, but she followed his lead and closed her eyes.

"Father," he started. "Thank you for bringing Jean into my life." He squeezed her hand. "She's quite alright."

Jean laughed but kept her head down and her eyes closed.

"We don't always know why things happen to us, but we do know that you work all things together for good for those who love you. We can't forget about the darkness that exists in this world, but we know that you have the power to overcome any stronghold in our lives. I pray that you show Jean just how much you love her and bring peace to the parts of her life that need the most light."

She didn't know why the tears were threatening her eyes again, but she did her best to push them away.

"In Jesus name, Amen."

"Amen," Jean whispered quietly, something she learned from church. She wiped her eyes quickly. She wanted to ask him why God would allow it to happen, but he seemed to already say that he didn't know in his prayer. Before she could decide, Shawn interrupter her.

"Before I forget!" Shawn said, reaching into his backseat. "I have another birthday present for you."


"It's not that exciting," Shawn said. "Just the word of God and all."

Jean laughed as Shawn handed her a worn bible. She had looked through bibles at hotels, but she never owned one that she actually read. She ran her finger over this name that was engraved in the bottom corner of the cover.

"It was mine, obviously," he said. "But it's in a translation you'll be able to understand. And I highlighted a bunch of verses."

"Shawn, are you sure?" she said, opening it up. It seemed way too special for him to just be giving it to her, especially when she barely knew how to read it. A white card fell from the front cover onto her lap and she picked it up.

"Oh, and that," Shawn said, as Jean looked at the card to see it was an invitation to Zeiler's wedding. "I was hoping you'd be my date."

She froze. She didn't know what to say.

"I know it's kinda awkward, since I'm in the wedding party, but Zeiler really wants you there and said you can hang with her and the bridesmaids beforehand. We'll set you up real nice and up close for dinner." He smiled at ber. "It just wouldn't be complete without you."

She had dreaded this day for so long because it was Amy's wedding. She imagined Anthony walking in with Ametta on his arm, his family accepting her as their own family now. Now Shawn Lewis was asking her to be his date? Zeiler wanted her to get ready with her on her wedding day?

She looked down at the Bible at her hands. Shawn was somehow able to turn her worst fears into her greatest excitements. He cared about her; they all did. She didn't know why, or what she even did to deserve the love they showed them, but it was too overwhelming to comprehend.

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