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•Phillip's pov•

It started like any other day, the sun was shining and everyone was doing okay - but when I reached mine and PT's office, it all changed.

"Phin! I'm here! God, where is that man?" I sighed and pushed open the door, only to see my best friend and secret partner extremely close to a certain woman. A certain woman that should of been locked up. Miss Charity Hallett, aka Barnum's ex wife. This wasn't okay and I slammed my fist down on his desk.

"What is she doing here?" I hissed and towered over the terrified ringmaster below me, this was the only time I was taller than him. PT stuttered and I could see anxious sweat forming on his forehead.
"Erm, Phil, it's not what it looks like?" I couldn't believe he had said that,
"Well What is it then? Because what it looks like is that you're cheating on me with a woman who should be in prison! Why Phineas? I thought I could trust you with my feelings... but now I see I was wrong." And with that, everything spiralled out of control.

Blood ran down Charity's face and my fist pounded with pain. PT just sat there and looked horrified, not moving an inch.
Then I stopped, everything blurred around me. Why was I doing this? PT wasn't worth it. So I walked off, clutching my hand.

"Hey Phil? You doing okay?" A friendly voice broke me from my thoughts. I turned around to see who it was, and of course it was Lettie. When ever anyone was in trouble or felt down, she was there to help no matter what. I really appreciated what she did for us.

"It's PT..." I sighed, I could trust Lettie with my feelings and she knew all about our secret relationship. She shot me a worried look and beckoned me to sit down.
"Spit it out then Phillip, I can take it."

"It's just that Charity was supposed to be in prison! She burnt down my flat just because she found out I'm dating PT. She'a a psycho and I do not trust her. And now she's in our office getting extremely close to my boyfriend. I hit her.... a lot.... and now I don't know if I can face PT again."
Lettie smirked and that confused me a lot.

"She deserves what you did to her. But why don't you talk to her, give her a stern warning to stay away from your man. Tell her that if she lays a foot on our turf again then you'll call the police and get her taken straight to prison again. Then you can have PT to yourself again." Lettie was the best at making plans and solving problems, I was glad I had her. I quickly embraced her and ran off to the office.

Shouting came from behind the door.
"Phineas, why are with him when you could be with me!? I'm a lot better than that boy, I'm a women and you need a strong person in your life. Not a short skinny man that'll only drag you down. Run away with me! Phin, you need me and you know that. Forget this life and start a new one. Forget that stupid..."
I stormed in and cut off her sentence.

"That stupid what? Oh, you mean me? Ha, I'm stupid? More like you are! You're stupid to even think of stepping near me and my circus, my family. You tore this man apart when you burnt down my flat, he cares about me! Not you and your psychotic ways. Go! Go or I'll get the police to take you far far away from here. Away from us."
Wow, I had stood up to Charity. Something I never knew I could do. She gave me an evil look and walked off.
"I'll be back, and when I am - I'll tear your relationship and your life apart."

That statement made me shudder, maybe she would come back... what would I do?
I was so caught up by Charity that I'd forgotten about the frightened man who had shrunk into his chair. I instantly embraced him.
"Thank you Phil, you saved me."

"It's all I could do, I'm yours and I will protect you always."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2019 ⏰

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