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The lights faded around him, all he could see was a flicker of a flame but it went out and darkness caved in.

"Phillip. Im so sorry"

He was picked up and walked somewhere then layed down on the floor. The younger man didn't know who it was or where he was going but he felt pain in his chest. Smoke had got into his lungs causing him to choke and splutter instead of breathing normally.

"Its OK Phil, I've got you. And i will never leave you again"

There was the voice again. Phillip felt confused, who was it and why was the voice sorry? It must be Anne, he thought, she's the only one who would call him "Phil"; but she wouldn't go into a burning building - WD wouldn't let her.  Who was it?!?


It felt like a week had passed until Phillip opened his eyes. The owner of the voice reached out and hugged the young man who was aching everywhere and had burns all across his face. Phillip looked up for the first time in weeks and saw a tear stained ringmaster with the wildest hair he had ever seen.
'Are you okay Phil?' PT asked, he looked worryingly into Carlyle's blue eyes. He nodded and held PT tight.

They quickly pulled away when a cough broke the comforting silence.

"Are you guys done being cute already?!" Anne stood at the foot of the bed with Lettie and WD behind her. The two men blushed a deep shade of red and scratched the backs of their necks, embarrassed and flustered. Lettie laughed at them and asked if Phillip was OK, he replied with an "im fine" and laughed as well.


It had been two weeks since the fire and Phillip still ached with pain in his side. PT had been helping him around the circus, that had been refurbished into a huge red and white tent on a field next to the docks.

"Are you okay Phil? You seem very quite today."
Phillip had been thinking about the fire and how the ringmaster saved him by risking his own life, when he was inturupted by the man himself.
"Yeah, im fine. Just thinking about the fire." He said with a frown upon his face. Barnum noticed this and gave the poor man a hug. Phillip felt natural and comfortable in the older man's arms. He liked it alot.
Little did they know that the oddities had been watching them the whole time - "aww"ing at the men and cheering when they embraced eachother.

The two finally let go of one another and PT looked Carlyle in the eye.
"Dont worry about the fire ever again, i will always be there for you when you need help. I love you Phillip Carlyle. Dont ever loose sight of the fact that you are loved." And with that, Phineas kissed Phillip on the lips passionately whilst the performers cheered down below.


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