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It was cold outside. The stars filled the jet black sky and shimmered with hope. The wind blew the empty trees around, making them wave to the others. It was cold; but it was perfect.

That was the way the two ringmasters felt on that winter night - perfect. The men both were leaning against the biggest oak tree in the park, just lying there in silence, looking up at the stars.

Every once in a while the youngest one would mutter a lyric.
"What if we rewrite the stars?"
The other would get confused but the get lost in the stars again.
But this time he continued to think about what the man had said.
"Say that the world could be ours tonight. "
Phillip looked up at PT and smiled, he knew that that was the perfect lyric for that night.
Phineas shot him a wink and continued thinking. What did he mean by that? Why did he smile at him? And why did he have to wink back? All these questions crowded the older ringmaster's head until he'd had enough.

"What did you mean by that Phillip?" He looked down at the young man as he looked up in return.
Phillip's face flushed a deep red.
"Well, I meant that we should make the most of tonight and that the night belongs to us and only us." It
Phineas took a minute for that to sink in, then he shook the thoughts away and cleared his head.
"Phillip, what are you trying to tell me?" By then, the ringmaster was very confused. Of course the intent was obvious to anyone who had heard it but not to Phineas.

Phillip laughed and held onto PT's hand
"What I'm trying to say is that... I like you.... Alot, PT. And that tonight marks the start of something new." Again, Phillip's cheeks grew bright red. Phineas smiled and held Phillip's hand tight
"Well, I like you to Phil. Your right, we should make the most of this perfect night. How about this for starters" The ringmaster smirked and hooked onto Phillip's lips. Returning the favour, Phil kissed back as everything grew more passionately by the second.

Anybody who walked by would of been disgusted with the sight of the two men but for once in their life, they didn't give a dam about who was watching or what others would think. All they cared about was the other person and how much they loved them.

It was cold outside. The stars filled the jet black sky and shimmered with hope. The wind blew the empty trees around, making them wave to the others. It was cold; but it was perfect.


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