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• Phillip's POV •

I stood outside the tent figuring out finances when I heard a voice.
I looked up and stared for a while. It was the circus ringmaster, Phineas Taylor Barnum, his smile shone down at me whilst I took in the sight.

"Why don't we go out tonight, you look like you need a drink."

And with that I was wisked away by the magic in Barnum's voice. I found myself taking shots with him at the bar, laughing at his jokes and having a genuinely good time. All of a sudden, we paused and time froze.
Both of us taking in the sight in front, our eyes connected in a way only couples should do. It was like we were under a spell. His eyes sparkled like glitter and I blushed. But then it came to me, did I really like PT Barnum?

I shook my head. What would Father have thought if he knew that I was falling for a man? Not just any man though, a "filthy" circus man who in his eyes was nothing but trouble. I imagined the beating I would get if he knew. Flinching, I took another shot to take my mind off of it.

"Are you okay Phil?" The ringmaster looked at me with pure concern in his eyes. I couldn't let him know, I needed to get out if there before something happened.

I stood up and ran out, away to somewhere I could put my head at ease, somewhere that I could be myself. Somewhere like the circus.

I stumbled through the tent flap and was met by the worried faces of all the acts.
"We were so worried about you Phillip, you just disappeared without a word. Where's Barnum?"
I shivered at the sound if his name, it shook my thoughts around and made me think too much.

"You better sit down Phillip, you look so faint and pale." I couldn't see who said it because my vision went blurry the blank. I had blacked out.

• PT's POV •

Phillip left me. Was it something I'd said? What did I do wrong? I needed to know if he was okay so I headed to the once place where I knew he felt safe - the circus.
I sprinted past protesters, past angry market sellers and into the tent.

Then I saw it. A pale faced young man perched up on Lettie's velvet lounger chair. He looked so out of it, so cold, so... dead-like.
Phillip reminded me of snow white, how she looked when she was awaiting her prince to wake her from the spell. Except this time there was he wasn't under a spell and there was no prince ; or was there?

This gave me an idea, a stupid one but an idea none the less.
I kneeled down next to him and held his hand. The acts around us saw that they needed to give us time, so they backed away into the ring. I kissed his hand and whispered
"Phillip, if you can hear me please wake up. I need you in my life. I love you Phillip Carlyle, I really do."

And with that I too stood up and backed away. I didn't hear the behind me that was so quiet and innocent.

"I love you too...."

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