Dont you love me no more?

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(Based off of "Barlyle 69 prompts")

The pair had been dating for a couple of months now and had had no major arguments yet.

The circus had closed for another day and each act went to their separate tents, leaving PT and Phillip alone. PT looked upset as he slumped down on one of the many boxes clogging up the side of the ring. A heavy sigh escaped his mouth.
"You okay Phin? You're normally so full of energy after a show. Whats up?" A worried Phillip Carlyle questioned the older ringmaster as he hugged him from behind. Phineas shrugged off Phillip's hug and he stood up, not facing the boy behind him still.

"Don't you love me no more?" The boy sank down to the floor as he said this, looking down at his feet. PT quickly turned around to comfort the young man just as he had done before - hugging him tightly.
"Of course I love you! Dont be so silly Phil!" Barnum kissed him on the nose. "But I was worried that you didn't love me..." Phillip looked up, puzzled and confused.
"You see, its my 50th birthday this year and your only turning 31, so much life ahead of you..." He trailed off and stared into the distance.
Phillip laughed a bit. "So you thought that because there's a bit of a gap between us that I wouldn't love you anymore??" He couldn't keep his laughter anymore and snorted loudly, this set off Barnum as well.

Little did that know, Anne had just walked into the ring as they were comforting each other. Not wanting to disturb the lovers, she fetched her ropes and sat quietly on an old wooden box. When they started snorting (or "laughing"), she couldn't help herself but to laugh as well. This gave away her hiding place as the two men looked straight at Anne, blushing intensely.
"How long have you been there and how much did you hear??" PT was the first to speak up.
Anne blushed lightly, "only since Phillip flopped onto the floor... I got my ropes and sat down here - I pretty much heard everything, unless there was more before I came?" She smirked at the last sentence.
The three of them laughed but all this noise disturbed the other acts.
"What do we have here? The cute couple all tight and cuddled up whilst the trapeze artist sits and stares. Interesting" It was Lettie, stood in the doorway smirking with her arms crossed.
By then, pretty much all of the oddities had snuck in to see what was going on.

"Its not what it looks like, we swear"

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