Under the Bathrobe and Red cap

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  Ssscilla (ao3)

Taehyung was resting after their concert, thinking of filling the bath and use one of Yoongi's bath bombs to relax his muscles. He decided to take a look at Hobi's Vlive while the tub is filled enough, but was pleasantly surprised when he saw that his Hyung wasn't alone. Jungkook was there, looking so hot in his dark hair again. Taehyung took only moment of hesitation, whether to take his bath, or join in Vlive, before the put on the white bathrobe, throwing his new red cap on and dashed out of the door and towards Hobi's room.

It's time to make an entrance.


It was late evening, after the exhausting concert when Taehyung drag himself to his hotel room. His blond hair was damped, from sweat and his limbs were heavy. He spend half and hour simply sitting in the chair and checking on his phone, before his food arrived. Panda Express never disappoints and Tae, after finishing with his food, was still sitting, too tired to take a very much needed shower. He finally rose up, taking off his clothes until he stood naked. Taehyung always loved to step out of his clothing confinement. He preferred to wear something light and comfortable. He despised shoes, but they were necessary, so he just roll with it, tossing it aside whenever chance occurred. Army knew about this thing he do and found it quirky and adorable.

Taehyung went to the bathroom, considering what to do. Should he just take a quick shower and go to bed, or take a long bath and relax his muscles in the tub with one of the bath bombs Yoongi gave him.

He decided to go with the bath. The smell of something sweet and herby was the deciding factor, so he set the water temperature and corked the tub, letting it slowly filling in.

-Oh this will take time. – Taehyung thought and went to the room deciding of what to do next, while he waits. He drank some vitamins, sniffling loudly and cursing the slight cold he had, the compliments of Mr. Jeon Jungkook, who was first to catch it.

Taehyung felt weird. He was tired and the running nose wasn't helping, there's no doubt about that, the concert and rehearsals took a lot of his energy, but the adrenaline rush and love their fans gave to them that night was indescribable, it left him feeling energizing butterflies in his stomach and his brain was awake, but not his body.

Taehyung loved the Army. They were there because of them. Their success was not only for their 100% effort and talent, but because Army supported them all the way and fought their own battles to keep them on the throne they are now. Their bond was strong, they supported one another all the way and the members were eternally grateful. That's why all the members agreed to each do a Vlive and greet their fans that could not be there at the concert and see them. First it was Jin, then Jungkook, then Jimin. Namjoon did it before, talking about their new album, when they were back at home, but Taehyung knew that their leader is careful and loving and will always find a time to talk to their fans. Taehyung admired him very much.

Tonight however it's Hobi Hyung's turn. Tae wondered if he already started. The thing is, when they are touring, each of them get their own room, which is great for the piece and quiet if you want to work, or sleep or play a video games without anyone screaming at you to keep it down. The simple intimacy of the single room was something that they didn't get used to. Sometimes they miss the noise and other members coming in and out, but sometimes the silence was exactly what you need. Tonight however Taehyung wasn't sure what he wanted.
He picked up the phone and called Jungkook. An hour or two of video games with Kook would set his mind at ease and he always loved to cuddle next to the younger. Especially now when Jungkook became bigger, his skin was still soft and always smelled wonderfully clean. Tae loved to snuggle to it, to wrap his big arms around it and listen to the maknae's heartbeat. Over the years, the sound of his heart was always changeable, but still the same. It was Tae's doing though. He always loved to make the young man flustered and challenge him in many things. Taehyung feed from it and Jungkook never disappointed him.

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