staring gets us nowhere

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  no one ever thought humans and werewolves would be able to coexist, some hundreds of years ago, but here taehyung is, in his art history college class that was about half werewolves and half humans, give or take. so take that, ignorant generations that are long gone. there was one boy in his class in particular that had caught his eye since the first day of class. 


no one ever thought humans and werewolves would be able to coexist, some hundreds of years ago, but here taehyung is, in his art history college class that was about half werewolves and half humans, give or take. so take that, ignorant generations that are long gone. there was one boy in his class in particular that had caught his eye since the first day of class. he was fairly certain he was a werewolf based on how his eyes would be blue one moment and back to brown the next.

they've never spoken but every couple of minutes, they'll make long eye contact, taehyung always being the one to break away first. the boy's eyes were always blue when they made eye contact like that.

he won't admit it, but he always ends up feeling shy and embarrassed afterwards. the other boy is the perfect mixture of cute and handsome and it lowkey makes taehyung feel like his heart will give out, but it's fine, he reasons.

on his way out from class he feels a sharp tug on the sleeve of his jean jacket. he whips around to come face to face with Mr. Staring Contest. taehyung notices that the boy is about an inch or two shorter than him, his eyes are much bigger up close, and he has the cutest little button nose on the face of this god forsaken planet. "wowie", he thinks.

"you stare at me a lot", the boy begins. "man he doesn't pussyfoot around, does he?", taehyung thinks to himself. this is certainly one way to approach the person you've been staring at for the first part of the year, every day.

"well, you stare at me a lot", taehyung says in return. he hopes he didn't sound rude.

he must not have seemed rude to the boy because he started laughing. it was possibly the best thing taehyung ever heard but he wasn't sure at the moment because the boy's laugh was all he could think about. he began to laugh too.

he saw a quick flash of the boy's sharp canines and his assumptions of the boy were correct. eye color change plus the canines, definitely a werewolf. he looks so much like a bunny though. "duality of man or something", taehyung thought to himself.

"i'm jeon jeongguk", the boy said breathlessly. "jeongguk". "sounds familiar but i know i've never met him. odd", he thought to himself.

"i'm kim taehyung", he responded.

the next thing he knew, they were walking to the closest coffee shop, a very animated conversation flowing between them, learning as much as possible about each other on their walk. if you were to see them going down the street together like that, you would've thought they had been lovers for as long as time. there was an air of comfort and understanding between them and they both knew it.

not even realizing it, they walked into the coffee shop hand in hand, fingers interlocked together.

"oh, uh. how long have we been holding hands, gukkie?", taehyung looked down at their hands and back up to jeongguk's now blue eyes.

the younger's eyes were back to brown as soon as jeongguk realized taehyung was looking at him. "um, not sure. i don't mind it though."

"me neither",and taehyung really meant it. they smiled at each other which made jeongguk let out a breathless little giggle. taehyung smiled harder, he couldn't remember feeling so close to someone before, feeling so comfortable but also feeling like he wants to protect them with all his being. it was odd, but he wasn't against it. he was far from being against it.

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