Look at me (just me)

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  speaksslushh (ao3)

In which Jeongguk is homeschooled and takes private lessons with his tutor, he's not allowed to see his tutor due to his paranoid mom, so his tutors keeps his webcam off. One day in the middle of the lesson,his tutor by mistakenly switches the webcam on. 


Jeongguk, at the age of 19 had only ever known 4 people in his life, which is quite pathetic considering 3 of them are his family which leaves one- Park Jimin, his childhood friend and neighbor who moved to the states when Jeongguk was 13, the contact being bare minimum to none at the present.

Jeongguk knows his mom is paranoid, knows it since he was 12 when he got into a accident and his mother had basically put him to house arrest because anything and everything could harm her baby, he rolled his eyes at that time and didn't object when his mom announced that he would be homeschooled. Jeongguk wanted to do his music, he didn't want to study and socialize, so he didn't question it. As time passed by, he basically forgot how human contact was done, spending all his day at home, stuck with his guitar he didn't know the concept of friends.

As he grew older, his studies started getting more complex, the fees the teachers charged were too high, so Jeongguk started his YouTube channel, he made covers of songs with his face covered so nobody could see him or recognize him- not that they would anyway, because he practically only left his house if was necessary.

Jeongguk's mom, soon finds a suitable tutor who doesn't charge that much, and who's still in college, the only problem is that he's too busy and he refuses to come over everyday to tutor him. So they decide to do it over Skype. His mom decides that Jeongguk doesn't need to see the guy and it's enough for them to just talk like that.

Their first tutoring session is awkward. Jeongguk is a stuttering mess when the tutor asks him questions about himself. Turns out that his tutor is not actually that old- which is obvious considering he's in college, he's 21. His tutor- who's name he comes to know is Taehyung, Kim Taehyung who's name suits his voice, deep and mysterious only maybe it's only because he hasn't really seen the guy.

Jeongguk is quick to learn about Taehyung is. For starters he learns that Taehyung- talks a lot. A lot means him straying away from the topic they're suppose to be studying and talking about that one time his dog disappeared from the house. Jeongguk doesn't complain. He likes listening to Taehyung talk and talk. Maybe it's because he's so shy or maybe it's because they compliment each other so well that sometimes his tutor gets what he's thinking without him actually him voicing it.

Jeongguk finds out that Taehyung is very smart as time progresses. Like he could probably not study for any subject and still pass with flying grades. The way he explains stuff with his little jokes in between makes it so much easier for Jeongguk to understand. Jeongguk often finds himself talking about his tutor in front of his family, or cracking jokes that Taehyung cracks during their session. Her mom is little suspicious but his father and brother defend him saying "Give Jeongguk a break. He's finally talking to someone who's not us. It'll probably help him get out of the hermit shell."

Jeongguk realises that he probably has the biggest crush on his tutor when Taehyung , one day, offhandedly compliments him. "You're so cute gukkie." He says and Jeongguk hopes Taehyung can't see the streaks of red that paints his face. "Aww gukkie, you're blushing. So cute I want to pull your cheeks." And Jeongguk blushes more and hides his face behind the pillow while he listens to Taehyung's obnoxious laugh. He has a crush of someone whom he hasn't even seen, someone who's voice is like the ocean, so deep and mysterious. Someone who's quirks make Jeongguk wanna write a song about them.

Jeongguk eventually after 8 months of tutoring tells Taehyung about his YouTube channel. Taehyung gasps and pretends to be hurt because it took Jeongguk so long to tell Taehyung about something so precious to him. "Gukkie you're being a bad boy!"

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