Flirt With Me Like We're Strangers

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"That husband of yours better be damn hot if you're missing out on this."

"Come on," Taehyung pushes him playfully. "Get back to work."

"Isn't it considered cheating?" Namjoon asks barely over the chewing of the new pie Taehyung shared the recipe for.

"Shut the fuck up, Socrates," Seokjin spits. "No one asked you. If a hot as fuck boy is fliting with the boss, the boss will flirt the fuck back."

"Thank you," Taehyung says.

"I'd call it cheating," Namjoon says. "It's not okay. You are eye fucking him every single morning and I'm pretty sure the hot guy doesn't come here just because the coffee is mediocre."

Jimin shoves his shoulder a little too hard. "The coffee I make is not mediocre."

"Neither are my muffins," Taehyung pouts quietly.

"Now that I think about it," Seokjin sighs, "Maybe it is not particularly fair for your husband not to know."

"He knows," Taehyung says and looks guilty, while everyone shares interested looks. "He- he's okay with it. I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything. He's a customer, that's all." He looks up at the clock and taps Namjoon's knee for him to hurry up with his meal. "We're opening, go unlock."

As predicted, the boy comes in, an autumn coat on him, beanie on, slight sight of eye bags but a huge smile as soon as he spots Taehyung there. Seokjin pretends not to hear Taehyung when he tells him to go to the counter and suddenly finds those rolls in the oven more interesting as if he hadn't just put them there.

"Morning, beautiful," boy leans on the counter and Taehyung lifts his eyebrow up. "The usual, thank you."

When Taehyung turns around to the coffee machine, Jimin widens his eyes and goes in the back as if to leave the two alone. He swears he can hear Namjoon whisper-yell at Jimin, "He has a husband!"

Taehyung runs to the boy to give him a quick peck on the lips before any one notices. "They think I'm cheating on my husband," he whispers and smiles at Jeongguk, who chuckles a little.

"You should invite them over for dinner one time," Jeongguk whispers, and Taehyung grabs the cup. "Write me a name on the cup, cutie," he says loud enough for everyone to hear.

"They know your name," Taehyung mouths and Jeongguk regrets saying that aloud. He waves his hand.

"Write me your name, I mean," he says and Taehyung face palms.

"It's Taehyung," Taehyung says writing a 'fuck you honey' on the cup and hands it over with a sweet smile. "You're enjoying this a bit too much."

"I love it. Where's my breakfast?"

"Want this pizza-like pastry? I started making it last week."

"Uh, hell yeah," Jeongguk says, feeling hungry already. He ate three of those when Taehyung made them home. Not every experimental meal is as delicious as this one was. "I'll take three."

"Sure," Taehyung says. "Long day at work today?"

"Probably," Jeongguk looks over Taehyung's shoulder and he guesses someone came out the back. Probably to watch Taehyung. "So, Taehyung, huh?" Jeongguk gives him a crooked smile and Taehyung wants to roll his eyes. "See you tomorrow."

Taehyung isn't exactly sure how it all started. He opened the bakery something over a year ago and met the other co-workers over time as they applied to job. First was Jimin, then Namjoon and lastly Seokjin. They make the atmosphere better, make the working day pass faster and they work well, both in the baking area and in the customer service area.

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