staring gets us nowhere

Start from the beginning

they waited for their orders together, still hand in hand, before sitting down together. they had to pull their hands apart so they could sit across from each other comfortably.

as taehyung had his hands wrapped around his cup, he noticed a marking on his wrist. it looked like the constellation for virgo, but he wasn't sure.

"hey, gukkie, what's this marking? i didn't have it this morning."

jeongguk paused. his silence was suspicious but taehyung needed an answer. soon would be preferable.

jeongguk said something very softly and had his head bowed down, taehyung couldn't understand what he had said.

"what was that?", he asked, trying to be soft about it so he wouldn't make jeongguk more nervous than he already was based on body language.

"it's your mark. to show that i'm yours. i have one too, but it's capricorn. i've had it for awhile", he was still speaking softly but at least taehyung could hear him this time.

"why is mine just now showing up though?", taehyung had never been so confused in his life.

"because your soul must have just realized we're soulmates. it's so embarrassing to say out loud please tell me you heard it the first time."

jeongguk was visibly flustered.

"so.. if you had yours for a while and i just got mine, then that means you must've known we were soulmates for a while."

jeongguk nodded shyly and he bowed his head even more.

taehyung started laughing.

"why're you laughing?", jeongguk was now startled and taehyung immediately stopped laughing. he didn't want jeongguk to feel scared or startled or anything bad in general around him.

"ah gukkie, i wish you said something sooner. i've never felt so at ease since i started college."

at the same time, they reached across the table to link their hands together again. "now what?", taehyung asked quietly. they had a soft atmosphere surrounding them, he didn't want to break it.

"do you want to go to my apartment and play overwatch?"

"hell yes."

so they went to jeongguk's apartment.

it wasn't the biggest, but jeongguk had it decorated so nicely with various plants hanging around, he had a pastel colored loveseat in front of the tv and piles of pillows, blankets, and beanbags in different spots around the living room. the kitchen had all sorts of herbs hanging, ready to be picked and used in a dish. there were posters and family pictures hung neatly on the walls. jeongguk even put up cute little bunny fairy lights on the wall, giving the room an even softer and cozier feeling.

jeongguk moved a "nest", as he called his piles of pillows, blankets, and beanbags, and told taehyung to sit down in it while he got snacks and the controllers for the tv and ps4.

taehyung never felt so at ease before. all of his stresses and anxieties had melted away since jeongguk approached him earlier that day. he didn't think the soulmate thing regarding werewolves was real, but he's glad it is.

when jeongguk returned, he had the snacks on a little tray with legs, so basically a tiny, tiny table and put it right next to them.

then he abruptly sat himself on taehyung's lap. taehyung didn't want him to move, and to show that, he wrapped his arms around the younger's waist. jeongguk just snuggled closer and laid his head on his shoulder and watched taehyung play overwatch.

T&J #2Where stories live. Discover now