Ch. 2

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Ch. 2

The Heathrow Academy for Girls held a position of well earned respect on Sullivan's Island in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Locals knew about the snobby girls whose daddies paid for them to go to boarding school and oddly respected that. There girls wore heather grey tartan plaid kilts down to their knees with crisp white oxford dress shirts. A few days of the month they were rewarded with free dress. On those few days, the girls wore appropriate designer dresses with flashy, summery patterns, or simple dress pants. The students looked the teachers in the eye when they talked and only spoke when spoken to. To say the least, the Heathrow girls respected authority and would never break the rules. For the most part, the girls at Heathrow Academy were every adult's dream. But then, Ariana Bendlin arrived and screwed up their system.

Ari wore tshirts with every outfit- free dress or not- and made sure her skirts were rolled far above the knee. She never wore the uniform boring brown shoes, rather she wore her favorite pair of black converse. For free dress Ari usually rocked her deep pocketed, men's sweatpants she had taken from someone- most likely Harry- back home. They made her slightly homesick, but she loved them nonetheless.

She rarely took time to speak with teachers, when she did she avoided their beady, judgmental eyes. She worried that they may see the lie this life was to her. She wondered if it was possible for them to detect her past life in her expressions or in her questions, so Ari stayed quiet.

She made no comment about the slight Russian accent in her voice that made girls ask why she "talked funny." She held her tongue to not correct the teacher when he talked about the Mona Lisa hanging in the Louvre. Ari knew for a fact her grandfather's second cousin had stolen the real one in 1859 and replaced it with a forged copy. The real painting hung proudly in her grandfather's house back in Russia. Her lips stayed shut when teachers called on her for answers. She made no effort to fix her uniform. She did nothing except soak in the details of a normal, American teenage girl's life. From her attitude alone, Ari was the polar opposite of a typical Heathrow Academy girl.


For two months I had been a junior at Heathrow. Somehow I managed to make almost everyone hate me. The girls did not approve of my slouchy pants or my need to break the rules, but I figured even normal people did things like that.

"You really want to wear that?" My annoying ass roommate, Annabella, asked me in her peppy voice. She was the worst.

Slowly I glanced down at my casual jean shorts and oversized jumper. This was fancy for me...

"Yeah, I think I'm good." I shrugged, sliding on my converse. With a heavy sigh, I shut my dorm room and followed the crowd of girls into the small shops on Sullivan's Island.

I overheard a pack of girls ahead of me giggling and gossiping about some cute boy. Reluctantly I followed my classmates into the diner across the street and slid into the booth behind the majority of my class. And right upon entering the restaurant, I saw a face I hadn’t seen in months.

When the boy felt our eyes on him, he took his time turning around. His eyes eventually found the table full of admirers, but he only stared at me. His curly, auburn brown hair peeked out from the baseball cap he lazily wore backwards. When he reached for the milkshake in front of him his muscles contracted, making girls around me drool. A white tshirt hung around the familiar sun-kissed skin marked with indigo tattoos. I watched in complete shock as he wiggled his eyebrows as if to say, "Found you." Of course he had found me. He knew me better than anyone and I him. His attention returned to his drink and his alluring green eyes turned away, forcing all the girls to think about what just happened.

It was no surprise that after looking at the guy who had the appearance of a fallen Greek god, Annabella turned to me with acid in her voice and asked, "Why would he ever pay attention to you?"

It was a good question, a funny question. A question I repeatedly asked myself. A question that he never fully answered for me.

"He's coming over!" Felicity squeaked, nervously.

I smirked, not looking up to see the cocky boy making his way to me and my classmates, and continued eating. I heard him before I saw him. His black boots I used to tease him about clicked on the diner's tiled floor and a small hum came from his lips as he approached us.

"Afternoon, ladies." His deep voice pierced through the awed silence. I could practically hear every girl's thoughts. They must be wondering what an attractive British guy like him was doing in South Carolina or why he was focusing on me of all people.

The answer was clear when he spoke louder, "Aren't you going to say hello to me, Ari? Maybe introduce me to your friends?"

I knew the last part was a joke, but still it annoyed me. Before any of the other girls were able to form words to introduce themselves, I brought my eyes up to his.

"Hello, Harry."


Hi! Ok so this is my first story on Wattpad! Please like read and vote! I know it's somewhat slow currently but i promise this fanfic is going to be really great (hopefully) so just bear with me. :)

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