The class assembled, dutifully following Iruka outside.

Once Iruka had finished preparing the targets, he split them into groups of boys and girls. The girls practised throwing the kunai while the boys did the shurikens and then they would swap.

Iruka carried a clipboard to mark their progress.

First up for the girls was Haruno Sakura, a pretty but vain girl with a particularly large forehead, green eyes and pink hair.

Sakura took her time throwing the kunais, hoping desperately she got a decent mark that would impress her Sasuke.

One by one, the girls threw the ten kunais into the target and the boys did so with the shurikens. However, all the girls paused and fixed their eyes on Sasuke when it was his turn to throw.

He picked it up with a flourish and placed them on his 'perfect, beautiful' hands. The girls swooned, some of them fanning themselves and clutching their hearts.

Naruto swore they literally had hearts for eyes.

Sasuke strutted up to the throwing line and took his stance. Quickly but cockily, he threw them, fast and sharp. All of them hit the inner target; six even hitting the centre which resulted in the girls gushing over him.

"Ahhhhh! Sasuke-kun is soooooo coooool!" screamed a brown-haired girl.

"Just kiss me already!" shrieked another.

"Oh my goooooosh! Sasu—" one of the hardcore fangirls screamed, fainting as her 'precious' Sasuke-kun's name was too worthy of her to say.

"Go Sasuke-kun!" squealed Sakura and Ino who glowered at each other when they realised that they said the same thing at the same time.

Naruto, who was at the back of the boys' line, looked at all of this very amused. At the age of three, he could have accomplished this task with ease.

"Okay class!" said Iruka loudly. "Quieten down." Then he faced Naruto. "Do you want to give it a go?" he asked the blonde-haired boy.

"Of course sensei!" screamed Naruto, internally cringing. "I'm gonna beat you guys all, dattebayo!"

Naruto grabbed the kunais and shurikens. Recklessly and sluggishly, he threw them, most of them falling straight to the floor.

Only one shuriken and two kunai had hit the target and they were all hanging on the edge.

Naruto looked angrily at the target with pretence shock. The boys snickered and laughed at him while the girls just looked smugly away, glad that the newcomer couldn't beat their Sasuke-kun. Naruto was not bad. He was absolutely terrible.

"Better luck next time Naruto-kun," chuckled Iruka sheepishly, rubbing his nape.

After the task of throwing task, it was lunch. The class separated into their friend groups while Naruto was left alone, eating his self-made bento by himself. When Naruto was about to eat a piece of his fish, a girl interrupted his lunch.

"H-h-hello N-Naruto-kun. M-m-may I sit w-with you?" asked a purple-haired girl. "My name is H-Hinata. H-Hyuga Hinata."

Naruto smiled, this time genuinely.

"Sure! Sure! Dattebayo! You can sit with me anytime," said Naruto happily, patting the seat next to him.

For an heiress to a prestigious clan in Konoha, Naruto was sure surprised that she would sit with such an inferior and lowly 'demon brat' like him. He had a feeling that if Hiashi was to know of this, he would flip out.

Hinata nodded, blushed and took her place next to Naruto.

Soon lunch was over and they had returned to their usual mundane lessons. After Iruka had finished explaining what chakra was, the class was dismissed.

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