Chapter 3- What is HE doing here

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Dean, whatever his last name is just walked in. Like WTF?

"Hey you two!" He says sitting right next to me.

"I'll just leave you two alone..." Mia says slipping out of the room.

"What are you doing here?" I say absolutely in shock," Are you stalking me!?"

"No, you'll find out soon though." He rolls his eyes as if I'd have asked 'Who am I?'

"What do you mean when you say that? Why are you here?"

"One question at a time, geez!"

"Why are you here?"

"Cause I'm allowed, next."

"Fine! Why are you allowed!"

"Cause I'm best friends with someone who lives here." He says giving me a duh look.

"Who? Mia's little brother, aren't you a little old to be hanging out with her younger brother?"

He laughs."Not really."

"Uh, what? Are you a pedophile?"

He is clutching his sides he's laughing so hard.

"Okay, I don't wanna be in the same room as a pedo. Bye" I basically run out of the room.

Mia's laughing too.

"God! What's so funny, is there an inside joke I'm missing around here?"

"Ahha haha, no haha, he haha isn't a pedo!" She wipes some tears off of her face from laughing so hard.

"Then why is he hanging out with your little brother?"

"God, my brother isn't that young..." She is still laughing.

"How old is he?"


"That's not little you idiot!"

"Well he's 3 months younger.... so still little."

"I'm not apologizing just to let you know." I say being really stubborn.

"Whatever. He should be coming home really soon."

"Okay, lets go watch a movie!" I say stalling, I really don't want to meet her brother. I just don't.

"No! We have to get you ready to meet my brother!"

"Why! I'm not his girlfriend, why should it matter if he likes me or not?"

"I never said he has to like you..." A cheshire cat grin slowly coming onto her face.

"Not like that!"


"He probably isn't even cute."

"How would you know, you haven't met him?"

"Well maybe I have what's his name?"

"I'm not telling you that until I can think of some cute couple names and some ship names!"

"Ugh, how could you have neglected to mention your brother is our age!"

"I figured you already knew!"

"Well, I would if you would tell me! But you aren't!"



She pulls me into her closet and picks out a cute but... revealing outfit.

"I'm not wearing that, even if your brother is Channing Tatum!"

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