Chapter 1- The first day

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I pick up my backpack and I look at my schedule, studying my classes. I hear the sound of the drops on the window. I would have to run to my car to not get soaked. So I put my schedule in my backpack and scoop up my heavy textbooks. I put on my sandals and book it. Don't ever doubt the weatherman in April when he says it's going to rain. Ever.

My attempt at staying dry did not even close to work. So I'm glad I brought a change of clothes for gym. For once in my entire life I am glad to have this clunker, at least it has a roof. I am definitely not used to rain, snow, or any type of weather other then sun. I am used to the sunny skies of California. Not the cloudy skies of Canada.

Don't get me wrong Canada seems to be a good place, just not my type of Country. It's too weathery? I have no idea. I just really miss California. I had lived there my entire life. I was your typical 'California Girl'. I had the beach blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone liked me, aside from the stoners and Goths. I had this really cute Bohemian, Surfer girl style. I don't think that's going to work here though, so I'm going to try to get a new look.

I pull up to the curb to Northmount high and step out of my car and grab my backpack, textbooks and I close my car door without dropping anything in the huge puddle beside me. I walk up to the front doors and then try to open them with my elbow. Fail.

"You look like you could use some help." A guy says, "I'm Connor and this is Aaron."

I look at both of them, Connor has brown hair with green eyes and Aaron has dark brown hair and blue eyes. If I was looking at them from far away I might think they were brothers.

"Here, sorry about the introductions. I- um, here." Aaron says looking at me holding the door open for me.

I step through the door fully expecting them to step in behind me but they don't. They just walk away. So I walk into the school and try to find my locker.

I walk through hallways over and over again and try to find locker 236 but the hallways were slowly filling out. I felt myself walking around in circles around the building, trying to find my locker that isn't about to be found.

I feel someone come up behind me. They sweep me off my feet, literally. Not in a good way either. I fall flat on my butt, staring at the ceiling, the girl that stands above me looks really familiar.

"Sorry about that." The girl stands above me offering her hand to help me up.

"Do I know you?" I ask this, not in a rude way.

"No, not unless you've been watching me from afar..."She laughs, but notices the expression on my face," Are you?"

"No," I laugh at the fact that she's fooled so easily.

"So, where were you headed before I knocked you down?" She asks as I scoop up my books from the floor," I would hope your locker?"

"Bingo. Oh, do you know where locker... 236 is?"

"The other way, east wing not north."

"Okay, So what's your name I didn't catch it."

"Ditto. Mia, yourself?" She holds out her hand for a handshake.

"Maya." I say attempting to pull my hand out from under the messily piled stuff in my arms, let's just say there's a tumble after that.

"'Kay not sure here, tell me if I'm wrong but you seem really clumsy." She laughs after helping me up.

"You're not," I say laughing again.

We head off to the North wing of the school, which is massive. I remember being in here when I was little, but that isn't possible. I've never been in here my entire life, I was always moving around I never got to stay at one place since I was 5.

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