Chapter 4- The Prank!

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The boys walk up the stairs after half an hour of being downstairs, "They were preparing for battle." Maya says, in a hushed tone. 

"Well, what do they usually grab?" I say normally. 

"Shush!"She puts her pointer finger to her lips signaling me to shut up."They probably took the marshmallows, and some juice and stuff." 

"Okay, do you think it's safe to go downstairs?" I whisper. 

She puts her ear against the door and listens for a minute and then nods slightly. 

We open the door to see Connor's door closed, and then we sneak downstairs to grab some stuff to prank them with. 

"So why do you think that they're gonna prank us?" 

"Cause they always do! Except this time it's fair game, two versus two. Usually he has like 3 people over so it's totally not fair." 

"Wow, so what, or who started this?" 

"It was April fools day and I pranked him by wrapping him to his bed with that clear wrap stuff. Then, he pranked me after lunch, totally cheap. So I didn't count it but he did, so it's been an all out prank war." 

"Wait how long ago, like in years." 

"Well, let's see... we're 17... so about 5 years ago." 

I'm honestly in shock and I stand there for a minute processing it."Woah." 

"Yup. So I'm going to see what we're missing so we can prepare a bit, and you grab a bunch of things that'll be useful." 

I nod my head and begin opening the cupboards. I look and all I see is some cereal, and more cereal. I close that and look in the fridge.  

"They've took everything useful, and I used my glitter..." 

"Do you have any really dark make-up?" 

"Yeah, why?" She then stands there and says, "Oh... let's go!" 

"Isn't it really late it's like 11." 

"Eh, school schmool." 

"Okay," I say as she pulls my wrist and drags me upstairs.  

She is about to open her door when she gets suspicious. She slightly pushes it, and a bucket falls. It has like 3 or 4 bags of those huge marshmallows in it. 

"DANGIT, it didn't work." We hear voices behind us and they've aimed marshmallow launchers at us. 

"Run!" I yell and we rush into her room and we quickly slam the door and lock it. 

"What a workout." 

"The door was right in front of us." 

"Yeah, that's the point." 



"So why do you have all of this make-up?" I gesture to the huge duffel bag filled with make-up. 

"I collect." 


"So we need to find everything pale, and black or bright neon colors." 

"Okay, I'll take all the bright stuff." 

"Okay, we only have limited time since it's 1 am they'll only be asleep for 7 more hours." 

"We have plenty of time." 

"This is duffel bag #1" 

"Well, shit." 

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