Chapter 37- Wed the Enemy

Start from the beginning

I inhaled a deep breath. "Jacoby will fill you in on the details. If you'll excuse me, I'll be off in my room picking a more suitable outfit." I dragged what was left of my dignity as everyone in the room bowed.

On my way out, Lexus held me by my arm. I yanked it from his grip and straightened my robe. "We'll talk later." Was all I said before exiting the room.


" I hereby declare this meeting in session." My voice sliced through the area of the castle in which we call head of the keep. Usually, a keep is the most guarded area of a castle.

Long ago, the nobles and my father used to live here, but now this area is completely reserved for Lucifer's quarters and the Council Room, which was situated in the head of the keep.

The long rectangular table had the seven jinn kings and King Solomon to my left, whereas, King Asmodeus, Maeva, Elias, Lexus and Jacoby were situated on my right.

"As I recall, I left Jacoby with a mission to fill you in on the details of the incident in the morning?" My eyes averted to Jacoby who coughed and stood up. "Your Highness, I informed everyone in the room of the incident." He declared and sat down. "Good. We will speak of the incident after we discuss some History." I stated and sat down in my designated seat.

"You called us in here to discuss history? Well then, let's discuss the weather while you're at it." Asmodeus spat sarcastically.

"King Asmodeus, I would like to remind you that I am head of this council and I know what I'm doing. By the way, the weather is amazing today. Don't you think?" I replied and the snickers of Semhuresh and Mimun erupted in the room.

"Do any of you have the slightest idea as to who the original leaders of the Lost Souls and Daemons were?" And as soon as those words left my mouth, everyone in the room froze and tensed up.

"Throughout their time, the Lost Souls and Daemons were too prideful to mix and mingle with other creatures. They were the 'elite' of the in-between. Therefore, no one knew who their leaders were. They were extremely secretive." King Solomon explained to me.

"Even in the most important documents, of the Kingdom there was only the crest of their kind, never the names." Lexus replied.

Asmodeus stared intently at me. "I can't help but say that you are surprisingly asking the right questions, your highness." He nodded approvingly. Then I remembered.

"King Asmodeus, weren't you a close friend of Lucifer's?" I queried. Asmodeus's features altered. "His oldest friend, yes." He replied. I gave Asmodeus a knowing look and he shifted in his seat.

"It was the night Lucifer banished the Lost Souls and Daemons from the in-between." Asmodeus started to say and I could've sworn my face lit brighter than a Christmas tree.

"It was stormy outside and the world was in utter havoc. Your father's fall occurred at the first light, the faint trace of the morning had risen on the horizon of the in-between, the great battle of the in-between occurred later that night." Asmodeus hesitated before continuing. "He held a meeting with the leaders of the other creatures and, naturally, the leaders of the daemons and lost souls had sent envoys instead. Lucifer was infuriated, after-all he was the King of Kings. And so, after the first council meeting, he called me into his study and told me that he had called for the leaders and they will be showing up shortly. The first face I saw, was the face of Romero Tenebris, Jacoby's father, leader of the lost souls, but the leader of the daemons never showed up. Then we learned they were planning a coup d'état. They wanted to overthrow your father." Asmodeus finished his story and all of us were in utter shock.

"Jacoby get out of this room, this instant. You planned the attack yesterday and YOU PUT THE BODY ABOVE MY HEAD!" I yelled, my voice echoed through the room, projecting my anger. "Guards!" I shouted and the guards came barging into the room.

"I swear it wasn't me. Don't blame me for the mistakes of my ancestors. I may want your throne, but never this way; i want the people to love me. TO WANT ME AS THEIR LEADER." He exclaimed. "Don't you dare lie. Or else your head will be sitting on my fucking bookshelf!" I threatened, knowing very well that the extent of my anger will drive me to do so.

"If you imprison me, my army will be behind enemy lines. And you know my army is triple yours and everyone in this room combined!" He intimidated while advancing towards me.

His lips were in close proximity to mine while our breaths were ragged. "I am presenting you with a proposal. Marry me and we will join forces. One less enemy." He breathed.

My heart stopped beating. "What?" I whispered. I can't marry him. Why the fuck am I considering marrying him? Huh?

The stench of burning wax was the only thing you could smell, the crackling fire was the only thing you could hear and Jacoby's eyes were the only thing I could see.

"You have to marry him." King Solomon and Asmodeus spoke. "It's the only way we can guarantee complete safety of our Kingdom." Zawba'a intervened.

"100 million men will be at your command, at your feet even." Jacoby pleaded

"Marry him." Lexus finally said and stood up, exiting the room in the process.

Just great. What do I do now?

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