Chapter 37- Wed the Enemy

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I don't know how I'm writing so much these couple of days but I really want to finish this book and i'm having soooo many ideas.

Much love
Eid Mubarak 💞💞💞
🎧: The Devil Within - Digital

Chapter 37- Wed the Enemy

I was caught between waking the maid up and dealing with seven jinn idiots. "You mean to tell me that you threatened to hang her by her feet in the front garden and drain her blood out if she didn't make you pancakes? For the love of Lucifer, PANCAKES?!" I exclaimed as the seven of them erupted in laughter.

"She was shi-t scared. I can't understand how she took us seriously." King Al- Mad'hab chuckled. "I feel bad for her, though." King Al-Abyad retorted. "Wait until Solomon hears about this." Semhuresh added.

"I'm pretty sure he'll kill you all." I crossed my arms and stared at them with a raised eyebrow.

The seven kings resembled each other a lot. They all had tanned complexions. Dark long lashes complemented their Kohl lined intense brown eyes, however, Semhuresh had electric blue eyes instead. They were all well-built and dressed in a modern manner- not traditional arabic wear and their features were so sharp they could cut me with their jawlines and cheekbones. They were all extremely H. O. T.

"Semhuresh, ya hayawen kalb." Al-Abyad angrily stated. "Don't you dare!" He then added. "Am I right to assume you cursed the hell out of Al- Abyad?" I quirked, smirking.

"She's awake!" Jacoby interrupted as the maid's eyes fluttered open. I quickly sat down next to her. "Clara, I presume?" She nodded her head. "Darling, don't worry. These gentlemen were just joking. No one's getting hanged for pancakes." I re-assured her while gritting my teeth at the word "gentlemen".

Gentlemen my ass, these were 5 year olds. "Your Highnesses, I most humbly request of you to apologize to my maid. You have caused her much trouble." Who was I kidding. Request my ass. These bitches better apologize to her. "You-r  high-ness, no! They don't ha-ve to." She stammered.

They stood silently. I glared at their lazily standing frames. "What?! She said no-" Barkan started saying, but Mimun and Zawba'a elbowed him from either side. "Ouch!" He cried out. Children.

They all stood up straight and chanted simultaneously. "Sorry, Clara."

"That's more like it. Take the day off, darling. You need it." I told her and she smiled. "Thank you, your highness." She stood up. "Danah, be a darling and help her to her room." I waved at the other maid in the room. She bowed and held Clara by the arm, escorting her out of the room.

"Now, back to business-" I started to say, but Barkan cut me off. "Your Highness, I don't mean to be rude, but you're practically not leaving anything to imagination." Al Mad'hab smirked and the others joined in as well. I gave him a confused look and stared down at my attire. "Oh." Was all I could muster after seeing the practically sheer red lace sleeping robe I had put on me before descending the stair-case.

Then I heard footsteps entering the Kitchen and I shut my eyes in discomfort. "My, what a sight to see. Why is everyone in the Kitchen at 7:30am? And who's that nice piece of as-" Lexus started saying before realizing it's me. "Thana why are you practically naked?" Lexus said through gritted teeth. Tension hung in the air and everyone fell silent.

Lucifer's DaughterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora