🌸First episode is pending [short delay reasons]

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Source: Idol Producer Season 2 Subs on twitter / Youth Has You on Weibo

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Source: Idol Producer Season 2 Subs on twitter / Youth Has You on Weibo

[iQiYi Statement]

Dear Youth Producers,

Thanks for your continual support and interest. The staff, trainees, and mentors have all been working hard. In order to meet you in our best condition, we need more time. Thanks for your understanding, let us anticipate together!


So, what's basically being told here is that the first episode (Q1DD) is pending. In other words, they're having difficulties with the productions of the program at the moment because the editing team probably needs more time.

Besides that, there are also rumors that there has been copyright. As for what exactly has been copyrighted, or if it had been copyrighted: I don't know (yet) since these are all rumors. There's a big chance that perhaps a company has not given permission for a contestant to use their song for an audition on TV. Nonetheless, I know iQiYi always gives credits to the original artists of the song before the performance starts, so I doubt it is for that reason.

But perhaps some other incident took place, so please stay patient and if you're bored just watch teasers on Idol Producer Season 2 Subs on YouTube.

As always, I will upload the video with links in separate chapters. For this book I will most likely also upload the rankings.

I know this all sounds really professional and stuff (which I'm not), but I just need everyone to understand so there won't be needless misconceptions.

This is also the reason why I would appreciate it if you guys actually read what I write and not just scroll through it. Because 9/10 times I explain everything. I try to be as thorough as possible, because I really do do my research on these topics because I don't want misconceptions. But I can't avoid misconceptions if no one reads what's being written, so please keep that in mind in the future.

This is a bit of a stiff chapter, but it had to be said so I hope everyone can understand that. You'll see my memes and jokes again by the time I upload the first rankings probably. Can't believe it's been a year since I've upload Idol Producer though. Thank you for sticking with me, if you have. And thank you for joining me.

Well, you're most likely just casually scrolling through this book trying to find a bias, but still.

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