Can you call me Kookie again?

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Jimin walked into his new school again, it was the third one in less than two months, tripping and stumbling over his feet on the way like he did everytime he went to a new school. No matter how many times he went to a new school, it was just as scary as the last. To be frank, Jimin was a huge nerd. Maybe he was considered that because of the glasses he wore, or because he studied and read too much or maybe because of his looks. His hair was a mess, him being too busy from studying to care about it. Jimin staggered and tripped causing him to fall down on another boy. His glasses had fallen off and he had huge trouble seeing. Jimin glanced at the boy, he had fallen upon and even without his glasses on he could tell the boy was good looking. He had to be a jock or an athlete of some sort, from his prominent muscles that were bulging off his shirt, to his sharp jawline and strong thighs. He was also slightly tanned and had a towering height over Jimin. The unknown boy was staring at Jimin's face for a while before a smile spread across his own gorgeous one. Jimin was contemplating on running away as he knew the boy was about to laugh at him because of what he looked like. Before he could run though, the boy picked up his glasses and handed it to him.

"Here you are cutie," The boy said.

Jimin was utterly confused. Did the most handsome man he ever laid his eyes upon, just call him cute? Jimin could feel his whole face heating up, inwardly cursing himself.

"Uhm, thanks..." Jimin whispered back.

He grabbed his glasses back and slipped it on, wanting to see the attractive man in HD. Jimin tried to smooth his hair down in place subtly.

"You're even more cute with the glasses on," The boy muttered causing Jimin to blush even more, facing away from him.

"Can I see your timetable, I wanna know what classes you're in?" The boy asked.

Jimin complied, passing the paper over to the boy. He pulled out his own timetable and compared it to his. Coincidentally, Jimin and he had every single class together except Social Studies together. That must mean that this man was also smart as well as hot? The world was definitely not fair.

"Oh cool, may I walk you to your next class then?" The boy asked.

"Well, I guess," Jimin muttered quietly.

They walked next to each in comfortable silence for a while. Everyone was staring at the two of them and whispering. They were probably trying to figure out why the handsome boy was with an ugly, short nerd. It wasn't long before the boy decided to break it the silence.

"Oh, I uh, just realised I haven't asked for your name yet. What is it?" The boy asked.

"Um, Jimin. Park Jimin." Jimin mumbled.

"Park Jimin," The boy whispered. "That's cute,"

"What did you say?" Jimin asked, not sure if he heard correctly.

"Nothing.. so uhm if you were wondering, my name is Jeon Jungkook." The boy now known as Jungkook stated.

"Oh, hi Jungkook..." Jimin muttered, smiling slightly.

"Hello Jimin," Jungkook smiled as well.

They arrived at the class but they now realised they were 15 minutes early.

"Ah, I was so excited about walking you to class, I didn't realise the class doesn't start for another 15 minutes." Jungkook muttered sheepishly.

"It's okay Kookie," Jimin reassured Jungkook by smiling brightly at him before looking down at his hands. He accidentally said Kookie as it was normal for him to give a nickname for someone as soon as he started talking to them. He heard Jungkook gasp and he looked up but saw Jungkook looking at someone else. He turned and looked at the direction of where Jungkook was looking at and saw a girl waving at Jungkook. Jungkook slightly smiled at her before looking back to Jimin.

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