Labor & Delivery

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Synopsis: You've read a brief condensation of Erik's point of view pertaining to the birth of Nya & N'Jadaka, here's Angel's.

I looked around the commotion surrounding me as Erik & I sat down in our seats for an interview with the one & only Oprah Winfrey in our Santa Barbara home. Butterflies fluttered in my belly as I watched as crew members ran amuck, fixing umbrella lights & adjusting cameras. The interview would be held in our living room as it had the best natural lighting with such large glass windows. Our family was present, hanging around in the background in  support of Erik & I as we revealed such private matters to the world.

I turned my attention to Oprah as she sat across from us getting a touch up from her makeup artist. Noticing me, she gave me a warm smile, of which I returned. I appeared calm to onlookers, but on the inside I was a nervous wreck. I hadn't talked about the birth of my children, uncomfortable with speaking about what briefly happened to me. Tonight however, my silence would be broken for the whole world to see on live television.

"Alright, places everyone!" I hear the producer of the show yelled, causing crew members to scurry quickly into position.

I looked to Erik, needing a look of reassurance from him as I squeezed his hand for attention. He quickly returned my stare, looking into my eyes to read my mood. With a hmm, he gave me a heart warming kiss, assuring me that everything would be fine. I pressed my forehead into his as the producer counted down.

"In 5-4-3-2.."

"Good evening, America! I am here with one of the world's favorite power couples, Erik & Angel Stevens-Udaku & later we'll be joined by their 10 week old twin babies. Congratulations you two!" Oprah spoke warmly, her 30 + years experience with interviewing showing.

"Thank you." Erik & I said at the same time, laughing at the realization that we did so.

"I can recall Angel," Oprah said pointing to me. "posting a picture of the twins' feet to announce that she had given birth and tearing up with happiness for the two of you. It feels like we've watched you all grow up in a way before our eyes & now you have children!" She exclaimed.

Erik & I laughed at that, thinking of the many years that had passed since the world had been introduced to not only me as an actress & singer, but to our entire family as well.

"I suppose in a way the entire world has. I could cringe at all of the embarrassing things the world witnessed with us!" I say thinking of a certain sextape a certain someone leaked.

"I think we've done a good job of growing up, individually & as a couple." Erik chimed in, looking at me.

"Yeah," I say softly, meeting his stare,"we have." I finish with a smile.

"I think you have too. This one here even cut his locks!" Oprah said, smiling at the two of us.

The interview went on for 30 more minutes before we arrived to the difficult part. We joked and laughed as we reminisced about the pregnancy and the earlier years of marriage. It was one question in particular that pulled us into a more somber mood.

"Could you tell us about your labor, Angel?" Oprah asked quietly. She was aware of our story & knew of how difficult of a time it was.

I gave her a warm smile, thinking of my last 24 hours of pregnancy.

I jump sightly as Dr. Zinzi poured the cold aquasonic gel on my blimp of a belly as she prepared me for my ultrasound. I was officially 36 weeks along & thanks to her I hadn't gone into full preterm labor.

"Alright, let's check on dem babies, huh?" She said, attempting to impersonate me.

I giggled at her as she glided the ultrasound conductor over my belly until a clear image of baby A, N'Jadaka, appeared on the screen.

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