The Little Switch That Could

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Synopsis: In which Erik finds himself in a pickle with his own little slice of heaven. Punishment ensues.

The main living room of the Udaku Compound had looked like something out of a romance novel. Velvety red rose petals littered the white oak wooden floors, bright candles burned as the only source of light, giving the room a warm, golden glow, smooth r&b played softly, effectively setting the mood, a table set for two was placed strategically near one of the large windows over looking their lavish property as well as the ocean.

At the table sat a beautiful woman dressed in a tight, blood red satin dress that had a very low neckline, exposing the woman's double d breasts and hugging her hour glass figure. On her pouty lips that had been painted with MAC's Ruby Woo red lipstick with a simple clear gloss on top was a smile, excited for all the plans she had in store for the father of her two perfect children. Her brown hair was in it's natural state, curly and wild just as her husband loved it.

That was three hours ago. Now, the candles were low, the rose petals were disheveled as a result of the anxious pacing of an Angel, the food cooked with love was cold, the playlist created just for the night replayed twice, and the expensive bottle of champagne Angel thought would be poured over her body and sucked off was currently coursing through her insides. Angéle Divine Udaku-Stevens was pissed.

It had been two months since the twins were born, two days less than that since the doctors had officially declared that whatever Erik did to save her life after she bled to death had completely healed her, and exactly 19 weeks since N'Jadaku Udaku-Stevens had done anything more than kiss her. It wasn't for lack of trying on her part. Oh no, she tried quite a few times to have sex with her husband. Yet somehow some way, Erik always managed to get himself out of it; something that was completely against his nature.

Getting fed up, Angel asked her sisters for help, begging they make themselves scarce for just tonight so the two of them could have some alone time.... or as much alone time as they could get with the twins still here with their nanny. Once her plan was in motion, Angel demanded Erik's presence tonight & requested that he be in his Sunday's Best. She just knew her sex drought would be over tonight, but instead, for the first time in their 6 year marriage, Erik stood her up.

To say Angel was angry would be an understatement. She could feel the steam blowing out of her ears. Yet the strongest emotion she felt, was hurt.

"Blood, you sure about this shit?" Royce, Erik's long time barber asked him, skeptical that his client really wanted to go through with what was about to happen

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"Blood, you sure about this shit?" Royce, Erik's long time barber asked him, skeptical that his client really wanted to go through with what was about to happen.

Erik scrutinized himself in the mirror, staring long and hard at his face. Did he really want to do such a drastic thing? Something that he couldn't take back? The idea came to him today once he realized he would have to confront his feelings tonight instead of avoiding them and his wife in turn.

For what felt like an eternity, Erik had lost his Angel. Though it was only a few minutes and a few seconds, it had felt like a lifetime. It was a level of trauma & anguish he hadn't experienced in a long time. Watching her die, made him feel like he was going to die. It made him feel a level of despair so deep within him, he didn't even know he was capable of it. It scared the fuck out of him.

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