36 Weeks II

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Synopsis:  Finale. Read along for Angel's final stages of pregnancy.

25 Weeks Continued:

"You installed what?!" I said, looking at Erik as if he'd grown three heads, cut his dreads, & changed his name to Michael B.Jordan. We had finally made it to my wing of the compound after having a family meeting about my bedrest. Erik made specific commands that I was not to be disturbed and that everyone be on their best behavior until the twins came. He did all this while carrying me in his arms the entire time, refusing to let me set foot on the ground.

See, this here is exactly what I was afraid of. Erik had always been overprotective, but this pregnancy of mine had made him about 50 times worse. He barely let me out of his sight from the very moment I told him of my pregnancy if he wasn't too busy. Even then, he would call every 5 minutes to check on his lil niggas as he called them.

I won't lie and say it wasn't somewhat adorable because it very much was. However, it quickly becomes annoying when you have things to do and you're used to your husband devoting more of his time to your sister wives and to his extensive and demanding career. Though Erik and I always made sure to spend quality time together & had a very active sex life together, I was never clingy with him. I loved and cherished my alone time and Erik respected that. Or at least he used to until the twins were conceived. Now that I've been put on bedrest, it was clear he would take it to the extreme.

Do me a favor, ya'll, pray for me.

"I said I installed cameras in your bedroom. You so much as touch the floor with your big toe & I'll know about it. I mean it Angel, yo ass ain't leavin this bed unless necessary." Erik said to me with that annoying "I mean business" face. Under normal circumstances, his authoritative tone of voice would have me wetter than Niagra Falls. These were not normal circumstances, however.

"Erik, baby, I'm on bedrest. I was not charged with a jail sentence. If you think I'm gonna let you treat me like a prisoner-"

"Let you? I see you've forgotten who's in charge here?" Erik stated, getting in my face. Did this nigga just cut me off?

"Lemme make some shit clear here, princess." He said, taking a grab at the side of my face to stroke my cheek. He knows affection gets to me, he's not playing fair at all.

"You are not only my wife, but my sub...."

I'm his switch but whatever.

"That shit ain't changed just because you're pregnant with my kids. You gon do as I say, and you gon do it with enthusiasm cause you know I have your and our children's best interest at heart. Right?" He said, looking at me expectantly.

I couldn't help but sigh in defeat. "Right."

"That's my girl," he said giving me a sweet peck on my lips. Did I mention how much I love his affection? Cause listen!

"I don't want you to do a single thing except relax and rest, baby. Don't worry about the nursery, don't worry about your work, don't even worry about me. It's all about you and the twins. I gotchu, iight."

Maybe this won't be so bad after all.

Hours later:

I was only a few hours into my bedrest and was already going stir crazy. Going from having a busy schedule to not having anything at all to do was a drastic change & I had a feeling I'd have a bit of a hard time. I got a lot of validation from working, not doing so made me feel a bit useless.

I was bored, I was lonely, & I really had to pee. Erik insisted that anytime I needed to get up I had to call him to carry me along. I found the entire thing preposterous. For one, he was working from home until the twins were at least 8 weeks old which meant he'd still be very preoccupied. Second, he had 7 other wives to worry about in the compound & an estranged wife outside of it. He was being delusional if he thought it were possible to be there for me for every single thing. Besides, the doctor said I could be on my feet, just that I do so as little as possible. Trips to the bathroom were perfectly fine.

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