"Anxiety?" Liberty questioned squinting her eyes at him. "She doesn't have anxiety"

"This shit is crazy" he whispered.

"I just want to know who would do this to her"

Dre sat back in the chair and so many questions ran through his mind as he thought about everything he talked about with Jenny. "Yo Lib whose her ex?"


"That nigga was beating on her?" He questioned checking to see if she knew.

"What?!" She asked loudly in the quiet room looking at him.

"You didn't know?" He asked as she shook her head sitting back in the chair. "He was putting his hands on her Liberty she came to my crib with her face fucked up...I know that nigga did it"

"My only concern is...is she going to tell the cops that?" Liberty asked getting his attention.


"Push Skylar!!" Doctor Steven's encouraged as Skylar laid on the hospital bed with her legs spread wide open. "I can see the head!!" She continued.

Skylar been in labor for eight hours. They gave her epidural for the pain and timed her contractions. She was expecting to have a c-section but once the doctor seen how she dilated from three to ten centimeters, they decided for her to push them out.

"Your doing good Skylar" Doctor Steven's told her as one of the nurses patted Skylar sweaty head with a towel.

Osiris walked over to the doctor and took a peek at Skylar vagina and almost passed out when he seen the small baby head poking out. He watched the doctor take the scalpel and cut her a little giving the baby more room.

Aah shit I can't do this, he thought shaking his head.

"Osiris!!" Skylar whined getting his attention. He walked back over to her and grabbed her hand, kissing her sweaty forehead.

"I can't do this" she whispered, shaking her head.

"You got this" he encouraged. "The baby is right there okay"

"Okay Skylar...one last push" Doctor Steven's told her. Skylar tightly squeezed Osiris's hand as screamed out in pain and she gave a strong push, hearing a baby crying.

"It's a boy!!" She heard before falling back on the bed and let out a breath of fresh air. A few seconds later she felt pain strike through her body again and she couldn't help but scream out in pain again.

"Baby number two is on the way!!" The doctor shouted getting the other nurses attention. "Now Skylar this should be easy now...I want you to push on three okay?" Skylar nodded her head and took quick breath trying not to panic. "One...two...three push" Skylar slightly sat up on the bed and pushed, letting out a loud scream. "Keep pushing keep pushing!!" The doctor encouraged.

Osiris couldn't help but smile as he heard his baby girl soft cries fill the room as the nurses cleaned, measured and weight both babies.

"Dad would you like to cut the umbilical cords?" One of the nursed smiled.

Osiris walked over to his new born babies and looked down at them softly crying. The nurse passed him the scissors and he carefully followed her instructions cutting the umbilical cord on both of his babies.

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