Down For You

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Excuse the mistakes!!

Sorry if I messed up I've haven't slept in two days, my mind is all over the place and all I can do is write so please forgive me if I have mistakes

Dre sat in the hospital waiting room waiting for the doctor to come out. After the ambulance came and picked up Jenny he drove home, changed his clothes and drove straight to the hospital. He's been at the hospital for thirty minutes but to him it felt like hours went by.


He heard his name being called and he looked up seeing Liberty, along with June and Kofi standing right beside her. He stood up and made his way over to them.

"What ya doing here?" He asked them.

"Your here to see Osiris about Skylar right?" June asked him.

He shook his head, "Nah, I'm here with Jenny...wait" he said catching on to what June said.

"Jenny?" Liberty questioned taking a step forward. "What happen with Jenny?"

Dre looked up at his friends with a confuse look on his face. "Wait what happen with Skylar and Osiris?"

"She felt pain, Osiris didn't give us a lot of details but she might be giving birth" Kofi answered.

Liberty looked at Dre seeing him rubbing his face with his hand, "Dre what happen to Jenny?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know I found her laying on her bathroom floor-"

"Excuse me, I'm sorry to interrupt" a nurse said from behind getting their attention. "Dre?" She called out.

"That's me" he answered stepping forward. The nurse looked behind him at June, Kofi and Liberty who stood next to him. "They good, they basically her family"

"She was badly beaten, a slight broken nose, a couple of bruised rib but whoever did this to her also raped her" she told them.

"Oh my gosh" Liberty whispered on the verge of crying.

"Damn" Kofi whispered.

"We also pumped her stomach we are waiting for the lab test to come in, she's stable right now but she'll be okay" the nurse continued.

"Can we go see her?" Liberty asked.

"She sleeping right now but you can come back tomorrow" the nurse told her. "I'm sorry, once we get the lab results we will reach out to you"

Dre nodded his head and turned around walking back to the chair he was sitting on.

"Pumped her stomach?" Liberty questioned. "Dre what is she talking about?"

Kofi and June looked over at each other and frowned, "Babe, I'm going to let you guys talk in private this isn't our business I'm going to go see what's up with Osiris and Skylar and I'll be back down alright?"

Liberty nodded her head feeling him kiss her cheek, "Okay, let me know how they are holding up"

"I will" he said tapping his brother before walking away.

Liberty looked back at Dre who was sitting in the chair shaking his head, "Jenny tried to kill herself Lib...I found her lying on the bathroom floor with pills all over the place"

"Pills? What kind of pills?"

"I don't know" he answered. "When I seen the container it didn't have a label she told me it was for her anxiety but..."

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